The Tutorial Is Too Hard

838 7 0

Status: Completed
Chapters: 379
Translated chapters: 298 (30. 8. 2020)
New translated chapters: 2-3 per week (but it's hard to say...)

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On a normal boring day, a message appears, inviting him to a Tutorial.

A tale about Lee Ho Jae and his escape from the Tutorial.

But he just happened to choose the hardest possible difficulty: Hell.

Contains (minor) spoilers

In many aspects it's very similar to other novels. There's a concept of tower (tutorial), gods who comments what you do or give you things and points, monsters attacking Earth... But the story doesn't take place on Earth - because the main point of the novel is about the tutorial stage.

The side characters are not exactly important but they are there. They have distinguished personalities from each other and mc is also original but he's mostly your classic personality type mc of these kinds of novels.

Contains actual spoilers

It isn't exactly a spoiler but there are two timelines. The novel starts when Lee Ho Jae is located at floor 60. Then he starts thinking about the past and the actual story will begin. There's also a different character but she usually has one chapter after 50 chapters told from mc's perspective.

And at the beginning I was a little bit confused (mainly when I saw it for the first time) when the chapter began with conversations in these []. You will know what I mean when you read it. It means the mc from 60th floor is talking to the character I mentioned above.

There is quite a lot of self harming because mc tries to raise his resistance skills. Yes, his mind is not alright but given his circumstances he's doing well.

He will also get quite overpowered after few floors but that's expected from the difficulty alone.


1. Description copied from

Also don't expect frequent chapters because it's simply impossible with this kind of thing. I could add more chapter about novels that I have already read in the past but I would not be able to write recommendation at all.

For example:

Solo Leveling
Dungeon Defence
Seoul's Station Necromancer
World Domination System
Warlock of The Magus World
Everyone Else Is A Returnee
Great Demon Lord
Omniscient Viewer's Viewpoint
And many more....

But I'm willing to add them here if someone wants it and if I someday return to them again I may add them on my own.

And the last note.

My sense of quality is almost nonexistent so when I add a total crap here someday don't judge me.

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