T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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T W E N T Y- S E V E N

I looked out the window of the limousine. The rain was pouring buckets over New York.
My eyes followed the rain-drops as the slid down the backseat-window.

I thought about how much my life has changed so far. How this one encounter with my vest friends brother has impacted my life so much ad how I fell for him. How easy it was to love him and him loving me back.

I soon was brought out of my trance when I heard Albert repeating his question for the third time in a row.

"Miss Yasmine, is everything alright with you?", I looked up to see his worried grey eyes giving me a worried look from the small of the rearview-mirror.

"No. I mean yes. I really don't know", I stumbled over my own words. A deep sigh escaped my lips.

"Is there someone you are missing, Miss Yasmine. Your family
perhaps?", he implied. 

I thought for a while. Actually, he was right. I was missing someone. I hadn't called her in a while now. Or them.

Quickly rummaging in my bag I pulled out my phone and opened the contact list. There it was. Her contact. I was scared to call her. Would she even answer, after I practically left her and him alone in London?

"Miss Yasmine. You should give it a try. Better now than never know what would have happened", Alberts calming voice echoes from the front-seat as a black sound-proof glass slid up between him and me I.
I took a deep inhale and pressed onto the number and lifted the phone to my ear. One ring, two rings, three rings. The call ended. No one had picked up. I stared at the empty screen. Disappointed I was about to put my phone back into my bag and move on when I felt my device vibrate in my hand. Full of ecstasy I swiped the call and waited for a voice.

"Hello?", I asked and started fumbling with the hem of my woolen dress.

"Yasmine? Tum ho beta?" ( Yasmine, is it you, child?)

"Yes, mom."

A moment of silence.

Then I heard the mumbled sound of her cried on the other end.

"Beta, why, Why are you calling now? After years, you have never even cared to call us", her cries on the other end made my heart-ache.

It was true. I haven't seen nor called her for years now. I was selfish. I ran away from home in the middle of the night to New-York trying to make it big, even when they told me to stay. I never called them and broke contact off completely. Lastly, they let me go, to pursue my dreams. Because they loved me. I never knew how much it would affect them.

"I needed to hear your voice, Mama. Mere se both galthi hui hai. Me maaf magne ki li ai ho. Please. Forgive me. For leaving you and dad. Never calling you and being so selfish, even when all you ever gave me was unconditional love. I hope you can forgive me." ( I made a huge mistake. I came to plead for forgiveness)

Tears started to build on the corners of my eyes. I just started feeling the impact my self-centered action had caused her. I tried to mutter my sobs with my hands, but I couldn't. We both cried in unison almost.

"Meri jaan, you will always have a place at our home. Wherever you go, we are always with you. I thought of you every day and night me and your dad. We hope you will visit us soon."
(My dear)

"I promise mama. I promise. Just at the moment, I can't. It is hard to explain. It really is. But don't worry, I am safe. With someone, I love every day a bit more."

"Ok, darling. I trust you. You always were an independent... you... wo..", the connection started breaking off.

"Mama? Mama?", I desperately tried to get ahold of her, but the call just ended.  Exhausted I spread my arms next to me. I smiled lazily. At least I got to talk to her once more and she now knew I was somewhat safe.  

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