T H I R T Y- F I V E

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T H I R T Y- F I V E

Alessandro's pov

I  stared at the blank dirt floor. For weeks I have been held in this cell. Sometimes the guards threw in some food or water, but until now no one had the guts to come forward and talk to me besides the regular beatings I endured.

Right after I was shot back in New York they had me shipped to Italy on a small, run-down cargo ship. Then they injected some drug into my system and brought me into this dirt-hole, where I have been staying the past couple weeks. To my surprise, my mother was in the cell next to me. The only thing that kept us apart was the rods parting her cell from mine. She started crying when she first saw me and told me everything that has happened to her. My heart almost tore at the look in her eyes. She was sleeping at the moment. I swore to myself to kill each one of these bastards and their offspring for what they had done to her.

The only light that came in was from the small, barred window three meters above. Her once raven-black curls had almost turned completely grey. Her skin was like fine wrinkled paper. She still was as beautiful as she used to be. Even though she was my aunt she always treated me as if I was her own. She never differentiated between me and her real son Brad something. I could never repay her.

I  stood up and walked over to where the day-light fell into the cell.  My body was bruised and I had trouble moving around, due to the chains on my wrists and ankles allowing me to only move within a radius of one meter.

What was my gattina doing right now?

I had everything set up if something like this were to happen. I knew one day or another I was going to die like this and I don't want her looking for me. I don't want her to get into danger just for looking for me. She's too precious.

I heard heavy footsteps suddenly coming closer. The three bastardos opened the side door of una madres side. The noise woke her up as she gracefully rose to her feet.

"Ah, so our man is up", their head called Marco spat into my direction, his spit almost hitting me.

I didn't reply. I stopped that a long time ago. The two idiotis came right behind him carrying a big glass box a human could fit in. They put it on to the floor and then made their way to una Madre and roughly grabbed her by her arms and feet. She flinched.

"Don't touch her you dirty bastards", at this point I was standing on my feet and tried tugging at the chains.

"Oh, so he started speaking again", Marco chuckled.

My mother tried to fight back but to no avail. Two men shoved her into the box and closed the door.

"Farla uscire. Uccidimi invece per favore", I yanked at the chains making the wall crackle. (Let her out, kill me instead please)

"Non abbiano bisogno di te, sporco bastardo, ora goditi lo speactallo!", I felt the anger build up as Marco smiled at me. He seemed to enjoy being in a position of power and being superior. ( We don't need you, dirty bastard, so now enjoy the show)

"La macchina rilascera lentamente tutto lóssigeno lasciando la tua cara madre sbriciolata come un'uvetta passa il tuo sporco bastardo", he giggled like a mad man. ( The machine will slowly let out all the oxygen leaving your dear mother a crumbled as a raisin you dirty bastard)

I started roaring and pulled at the chains even harder. The man started laughing uncontrollably. The two idiots pressed some buttons and I heard a loud noise ensuring the air was going out of the small box. I saw my mother slowly close her eyes.

"No", I yelled the cold metal was burning into my skin. She looked into my eyes. Peacefully. Her hand was pressed onto the glass as life was sought out of her eyes.

I felt my soul move out of my body. I didn't hear my shouts or the laughter anymore. Everything blurred out, but the eyes of my dying mother. She weakly smiled at me. Her pale hand slowly started sliding away leaving an imprint on the glass. Her eyes were now completely closed, as she dropped to the bottom of the box.

She was dead. 

I didn't even notice when my hand had ripped out the chains out of the wall. I ran over to her despite the rods parting my side from hers. Suddenly something small pricked my stomach. I stopped shouting and felt my eyes get heavy. The last thing I saw before passing out was a small silver gun pointed directly at me. Drugs.

| ALESSANDRO |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang