i love you

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Sneak peak : 3rd part of secret series

Includes : happy ending, smut, manipulation, ending of this drama, taekook are happy, we got one bitch here, mention of drug and taking advantage ( but not really)

Note : I decided to add a twist here. I wasn't satisfied with how this story was turning. cheating is not okay and moreover doesn't deserve forgiveness.
I didn't mention anything directly. And I'm really sorry if anything triggered someone but it shouldn't cuz it's not.

Please read endnotes.

Words : 6651

Work :

"I seriously can't believe you gave him another chance." Jimin muttered and took a sip of his coffee. It's been 2 weeks since Taehyung and Jungkook talked things out. They didn't live together because Jungkook has to earn Taehyung's trust again.

Taehyung sighed and sulked in his couch more with a sad pout. Taehyung called Jimin over to tell him about Jungkook because he was hiding it from him. But he knew he can't hide this from Jimin. He was scared that Jimin would be mad at him and possibly will not talk with him again. But with courage he decided to tell Jimin about this.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Jimin asked, looking at sulking Taehyung who just whined.

"I was just scared. I know you don't like Jungkook." Taehyung mumbled quietly.

"Who's gonna like a cheater. He cheated once, he can do that again. Why can't you understand? Why did you give him another chance?" Jimin raised his voice making Taehyung flinch. Jimin couldn't understand why Taehyung was giving Jungkook another chance. Jungkook doesn't deserve that. He was worried for Taehyung. He was sure that doing this Taehyung was gonna get his heart broken again.

"Minie, please." Taehyung said, tiredly. Jimin sighed and mumbled a small sorry.

"You didn't give any chance to your previous exs then why him?" Jimin asked.

"He's the one I had a long relationship with and during our relationship, he just gave me so much love, care and happiness. And I love him." Taehyung said with a small smile making Jimin let out a sigh again.

"How's everything going on? But you know I'm still mad that you didn't tell me about this later." Jimin said, looking at Taehyung.

"I'm sorry minie." Taehyung side hugged Jimin with pout. Jimin couldn't help but got soft on Taehyung's cute gestures.

"Everything is going good so far. He doesn't even spare any moment to pamper me and takes care of me like old times. Although we don't live together, he comes to my apartment daily in the morning and cooks breakfast for me, just like old times. We went on 3 dates till now. But I'm still battling with my inner self. Sometimes I think I'm making a mistake by giving him another chance, sometimes I think I'm doing the right thing. But-" Taehyung paused.

"But what?" Jimin asked, combing Taehyung's hairs with his hands when he felt Taehyung tensed.

"But one thought is bothering me the most." Taehyung sighed in delight, leaning on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin was really good at comforting, Taehyung felt himself more comfortable.

"And what is it?"

"Jimin, I think Jungkook is hiding something from me. I don't know what he's hiding." Taehyung mumbled, mind wondering over his thoughts.

"Did you ask him?" Jimin asked but Taehyung just shook his head.

"If you still have doubt on him then why are you giving him another chance in the first place? You surprise visited him 2 times, how did that go?" Jimin asked about what Taehyung told him before.

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