Chapter three

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Kaminari pov ~ It's been about three weeks since the beach trip with my two best friends and my boyfriend. Ever since then the class has been keeping a close eye on me. And for some reason I think that they are trying to set me up with either bakugo or Kirishima. But i don't like either of them like that since I already have a boyfriend who I lover very much.

We were heading back to class for hero training. Sensei opened the door and let us in first. When we headed in we saw someone sleeping on sensei's desk. "Umm sensei who's that" Sato asked sensei sighed very loudly "problem child wake up" Sensei said and the person started to wake up I looked and went wide eyed it was my boyfriend. He was wearing a black leather jacket that had a red bandanna tide on his right arm. With a grey shirt. He hand bandages on his hand I can see bruises all over them. He had his piercings in also.

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He stood up and stretched

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He stood up and stretched. He was wearing black ripped jeans and black and white sneakers. "Problem child whah are you doing here" Sensei asked "Dad said that I couldn't stay home alone today because I broke the wall in my bathroom" he said Sensei and I immediately understood "so why aren't you with your dad" Sensei asked "he was talking to aunt Nemi and uncle Zashi about something and then they started being all loud and I needed somewhere to sleep so dad sent me to your class" he said

"Fine you can stay and did you bring your sleeping bag" Sensei asked "yeah I did" he said and a green sleeping bag manifested in his hands. "You can sleep under the desk and I have an extra pair of sound proof headphones under there" Sensei said "okay thanks uncle" Izu-Chan said and he crawled under the desk

"You problem children may sit down bowl Sensei said and that's what we did "who is that young man with the piercings sensei" Iida asked "My Nephew Izuku Midorya" Sensei said "as in the famous doctor Inko Midoryas and Principal Nedzu's only son" Momo asked "as in the king and queens only child" Mina asked "as in the future king of hell currently the prince of hell"Iida asked

"as in our prince" Sato asked "that would be correct" Sensei said "isn't he said to be incredibly smart and powerful" Kirishima asked "yeah he is that's why he doesn't go to school he was homeschooled by both his parents. He finished all his schooling by age four" Sensei said

"And what has he been doing to for the past twelve years" Uraraka asked "volunteering at different hospitals, orphanages, senior citizens homes and children's hospitals. He loves to make people happy. He also helps rebuild broken homes from hero's fights and stuff. He helps people get back on their feet and find jobs to help support their families. He also spends his time doing art and making music you've all heard of Deku right"Sensei said

"You mean the famous street artist that painted the mural on the cultural arts center and paints in the shady parts of town making them look nice" Kirishima said "and he made a whole bunch of songs which are extremely popular on YouTube. Especially his first song called let me down slowly" Jiro said "that would be him" Sensei said then the whole class started to freak out about how they finally got to meet Deku and how they are huge fans of him.

"Why are you people so loud I can hear you from literal sound proof headphones" Izu-Chan said standing up. I looked and saw that he had deep dark eye bags under his eyes. When was the last time he had gotten any sleep. I looked at my boyfriend worriedly. He seemed to notice me looking at him and he sent me a slight smile. I gave him a we need to talk look. He sighed knowing that I was going to lecture him later.

Then the door opened reveling Toshi and Neito to "why are you two here" Sensei asked "our teacher left early because of hero work to we got the rest of the day off. And Z texted us that he was here so we came to get him so we can "hang out"" Toshi said putting air quotes around hang out by that he means they are going to force Izu~Chan to get some sleep.

"As long as problem child gets sleep I don't really care" Sensei said "Hey shinso are you Aizawas secret love child" Todoroki asked looking between the two how stiffened. Neito and Izu-bursted out laughing "dam I thought it would've taken him at least two more weeks to figure it out" Neito said handing Toshi $100 dollars. "Yes todo I'm Aizawas secret love child" Toshi said.

Him and Neito was both dating todoroki for the past month. I gotta say the three of them are cute together. And Todoroki fits in perfectly in the relationship. Neito and Toshi always felt like something was missing in their relationship and I'm happy they found the missing piece.

"So Denks your not even gonna say hi to me" Izu-Chan said with a pout causing me to slightly blush and the girls and some of the guys faint because of how someone so hot can look so cute at the same time "In my defense I didn't expect you to see you until later when you came to pick us up" I said "I supposed that's a good excuse but still be ready by four that's when we are leaving" he said then the three of them left. Then sensei went under his desk to take a nap.

"Kamibro how can you not tell us you knew thee Izuku Midorya" Kirishima said with a pout "didn't think it was important and we've been friends for years and it's none of your business" I said sitting in my seat everyone surrounded me "how did you guys meet" Ojiro asked "when I was younger I didn't have any friends and my parents were never home and people didn't like me so I would spend my time alone at the park watching kids play or just read a book. Then one day Izuku came up to me when I was reading and took my book from me. I asked him if I could have it back he told I could only if I played with him and his friends who were Hitoshi and neito. So I agreed and he dragged me over to them. Ever since that day we've been best friends" I said smiling at the memory

"That is so adorable" the girls squealed "so do you know if he's taken" Uraraka asked hearts in her eyes  "yeah he is" I said slightly glaring at her "oh is it a girl and is she hot" Mineta asked being a perv "no it's a guy" I said "wait so he's gay" Mina asked "no he's bi. He swings both ways. He's only ever been in two relationships. The one he's in right now and his ex girlfriend. But the two of them act like brother and sister now. Since they both found the people they want to be with" I said after that Ectoplasm sensei came in getting me out of that conversation which I was very happy about

End of chapter to be continued I don't own my hero academia or the pictures or the videos that I have on

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