chapter I7

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DEATH HAD ALWAYS been a relative concept to me

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DEATH HAD ALWAYS been a relative concept to me.

I had never experienced the loss of someone I knew ( though being surrounded by the same people forever does grow to be tiresome ). I had only ever witnessed death —and curiously, always in a gruesome way.

It had always been a beast or animal; its life cut short for whatever selfish reason.

For many, death was a sweet release to be looked forward to at the end of a tediously long life. Others sought to avoid it for however long they could endure.

But no one truly escapes death —in one form or another, everything decays and fades eventually: their dreams, morale, kind nature or desire.

Even one's will to go on.

Immortality was simply a gilded cage; made comfortable by one's own false sense of security.

To this day, I had not lived very long —but it felt enough. Three centuries meant nothing to those who had been made at the dawn of a world.

And I was sure that I was dying now.

It was not violent. It was a gentle lull. Yet I raged —I thrashed and twisted and clawed against the darkness, unwilling to be dragged under.

I was not afraid of death.

This was just not the way in which I wanted to go.

The blackness was like thick ink; staining my skin and clinging to my body until I became a part of it —as though it were trying to consume. The only visible light was emitting from my dusted freckles, shining defiantly. Everything else was stifled.

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