another dare

689 8 13

Me: we got a dare from all_taria. It says that i dare Oshawott, pancham, and chespin to do a team rocket motto for some reason it feels like a deja vu from somewhere.

Pancham: Prepare for trouble!

Chespin: Make that double!

Oshawott: to protect the evils of truth and love!

Pikachu: should i zap those three?

James: do it.

Pikachu: *uses thunderbolt and accidentally hits everyone*

Everyone: AHHH!

Togekiss: MAKE IT STOP!

Talonflame: ZAP THEM. NOT US!

Rotom dex: Im going numb!

Pikachu: sorry everyone. ^·^'

Me: Uh... Well we'll be right back after these short messages so just comment a truth or dare or something so bye after we all relax from pikachu's thunderbolt.

*Camera goes off from electricity shortage*

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