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For: ChocolateLover027

It had already been a weird day, but it was about to get even weirder.

Betelgeuse and Lydia had started the day off fine, Betelgeuse showing off some neat new trick and Lydia and her parents watching and clapping. They hadn't anticipated what was to come as a flash of light appeared in the center of the living room and all six members of the Maitland-Deetz family stepped back, unsure of what the flash of light was.

"What the hell?" One of the newcomers, a girl who was probably just a few years older than Lydia asked, annoyed.

"No clue," Lydia responded. "Who are you guys?"

"Lydia Deetz."

The younger Lydia's eyes widened.

The rest of the newcomers introduced themselves.

Delia Deetz, Charles Deetz, Adam Maitland, Barbara Maitland, and the last person refused to say his name. The unnamed "person" (the first Lydia thought that he looked more like a demonic feral raccoon than anything) had an arrogant smirk on his filthy face.

Everyone paused in confusion.

"Well this is interesting," Betelgeuse (the one who didn't show up in the flash) commented.

"No shit." The other Lydia rolled her eyes. "We're alternate universe versions of each other. Right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

"What do we do now?" Both Delias piped up at the same time.

A few hours later...

It was actually fairly calm, surprisingly.

The counterparts of Lydia, Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia were all getting along surprisingly. Musical!Betelgeuse thought movie!Betelgeuse was pretty cool but movie!Betelgeuse did not want to say much of anything to him, instead choosing to lean against a wall and watch the interactions. He pulled out a cigar and lit it. Since his counterpart didn't want to talk to him, Musical!Betelgeuse decided to hang out with his Lydia and her counterpart instead.

The Lydias and Musical!Betelgeuse were just chatting aimlessly. Both of the Maitland couples were going through the attic for some reason. Musical!Delia had brought out a bottle of wine for the living adults (the Maitlands don't really drink.)

The gears in Movie!Betelgeuse's mind were spinning. This new version of Lydia seemed interesting. A nasty scheme was forming.

He stared evilly in Musical!Lydia's direction and she cast a glance over towards him, noticing the evil glint in his eye. "Uh, why's he looking at me like that?" Musical!Lydia asked nervously, looking at her Betelgeuse, at her counterpart, then back towards movie!Betelgeuse's direction.

The other Lydia sighed. "I don't know, but I don't think it's good."

"What do you mean by that?" questioned musical!Lydia. "Is your Betelgeuse not good like mine is?"


"Oh boy, what happened?" asked Musical!Lydia. Musical!Betelgeuse was also curious, wanting to know as well.

Movie!Lydia told them the whole story, and Musical!Betelgeuse's jaw was (figuratively) on the floor when she was done.

"Holy shit."

"Wow!" commented Musical!Lydia, her eyes wide. "That's wild."


"Want me to tell you the story of my Betelgeuse?" asked Musical!Lydia and movie!Lydia nodded.

Musical!Lydia told her counterpart everything and movie!Lydia's eyes widened at how similar their experiences were. When Musical!Lydia was done, movie!Lydia's jaw was slack and her eyes were wide like saucers.

Movie!Betelgeuse was inching closer unbeknownst to movie!Lydia, Musical!Lydia, and Musical!Betelgeuse, all of whom were still talking.

"Guys! Watch out!" was shouted.

Musical!Lydia turned around quickly, saw movie!Betelgeuse lunging at her, and tried to dodge, but failed.

She DID manage to land a few kicks to the balls, but it wasn't enough. Movie!Betelgeuse smirked wickedly, and in a flash, he and the struggling (and very pissed off) musical!Lydia were gone.

Everyone was silent, until movie!Lydia said what they were all thinking.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

To the Rescue (A BJTM and Beetlejuice (1988) crossover)Where stories live. Discover now