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The place that they had teleported to was dark and dusty. Movie!Lydia looked fascinated, but also concerned.

"This place is creepy." Musical!Delia muttered.

"'s the Netherworld. What did she expect?" Musical!Lydia quipped in her alternate self's mind.

"I don't know. I for myself thought it would be more like what my Adam and Barbara said the afterlife was like," replied movie!Lydia in her mind.

"Good point."

Movie!Lydia's voice briefly disappeared from musical!Lydia's mind as movie!Lydia turned to musical!Betelgeuse. "Hey, alternate and good Bj, how far do we have to go until we get to where your mom and my Bj have other me?"

"Not much farther, but I don't know if the bastards are in the same room as my Lydia or not right now."

"Hold on, I'll communicate with her through my mind again and see," said movie!Lydia as she focused hard. "Other me? You still there?"


"Are my Betelgeuse and your Juno still with you?"

"They just left. Apparently, Juno wants answers about some weird demon sh*t, which I don't have. Not like the assholes believe me. So, yeah, they basically just tortured me and left. Oh, and they monologued."

Movie!Lydia's voice disappeared from musical!Lydia's mind again. "She says they just left."

"Then we better get there before they return," said Musical!Betelgeuse. "Where did my Lydia say she was again?"

"In a bare room with gray walls," said Movie!Lydia.

"Oh, I know where other me took my Lydia," said Musical!Betelgeuse.

"Lead the way, then!" Movie!Delia said.

Musical!Betelgeuse led them through long hallway after long hallway until he came to a stop in front of a large door. "This should be it," he said and gulped. "A room my mom uses to punish those who break rules."

"Yikes." Both Adams muttered.

Musical!Betelgeuse sighed. "Yeah, I spent more time in this room than anywhere else."

Musical!Charles shook his head sadly, while Movie!Delia had an idea.

"How do you kill, or take down, a demon?"

"Without harming the other demons."

"You can't," said Musical!Betelgeuse. "Demons, unlike ghosts, when killed or eaten by a Sandworm, can regenerate. When I unleashed that Sandworm on my mom, I kinda figured she would regenerate."


"But luckily for us, I also have demon abilities. And explosives."

Lydia grinned. "Let's go then. I think the coast is clear."

The ten of them nodded at each other and Betelgeuse pushed open the door.

Both Charles gasped.

Musical!Lydia was badly beaten up and bleeding.


Musical!Lydia tried to stand up but the chains attaching her wrists to the wall were making it difficult. Her family ran over to her in a hurry and her Betelgeuse used his powers to get rid of the chains on her wrists and all the cuts and bruises covering Lydia's body. She stood up, albeit weakly, and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. As the rest of her family wrapped their arms around her, she weakly and painfully said,

"Boy am I glad to see you guys again."

Footsteps approached.

"We have to leave. We have to leave now." Movie!Lydia said.

They grabbed hands, and just as Juno approached, they disappeared.

Musical!Juno and Movie!Betelgeuse returned to find the room empty, Musical!Lydia nowhere in sight.

"Where is she!" barked Musical!Juno.

Movie!Betelgeuse shrugged. "You think I know?"



"What was that?" asked Musical!Juno.

Musical!Lydia groaned as one of the Adams (she wasn't sure which) set her down on the couch.

Musical!Charles went to get a first aid kit.

"Lydia, sweetheart," musical!Charles said as he kneeled in front of his daughter. "Are you doing okay."

"I'm fine, dad," said Musical!Lydia.

"We'll let you guys be for a while," said movie!Adam. "Right now it's time for us ghosts to kick some demon ass."

As he said this, both Barbaras, Musical!Adam, and Betelgeuse stood by him and the five of them disappeared in a flash of light.

To the Rescue (A BJTM and Beetlejuice (1988) crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin