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Movie!Lydia sat on her bed, looking at a picture of her and her counterpart that she had taken the day they met those two weeks ago. She missed her and hoped she was doing alright after her traumatic experience being kidnapped by movie!Betelgeuse.

Musical!Lydia was doing the same, wondering if her alternate self was doing ok.

She was staring at her copy of the picture of her and her counterpart that her counterpart had given her before she went back to her home Universe.

Suddenly, the Lydias had an idea.

Maybe there's something in the handbook about interdimensional travel!

Movie!Lydia got off her bed and headed up to the attic to find her Adam and Barbara.

In the musical universe, musical!Lydia got off her bed and headed down to the living room to summon her Betelgeuse.

"What's up, Scarecrow?" Musical!Betelgeuse asked.

"I was wondering if there was anything about interdimensional travel in the Handbook. Could you summon a copy and open it for me?" asked Musical!Lydia.

"Of course!"

He summoned a copy of the Handbook and opened it, flipping through until he got to the page on interdimensional travel.

"Here you go, Lyds."

"Alright, let's see this."

They looked through the handbook for a while, and Musical!Lydia finally understood everything there was to know about interdimensional travel.

Meanwhile ... in the movie universe ...

The ghosts and Lydia were reading through the handbook.

"Interdimensional travel, there we go!" Barbara exclaimed.

They read through the page and movie!Lydia smiled up at her ghost parents.

"Okay," she said. "I know everything I need to know to go back to my counterpart's universe."

Movie!Lydia reappeared in the Musical!Universe and Musical!Lydia looked up with excitement.

"I'm back," said movie!Lydia as her counterpart stood up and ran over to her to give her a hug which she returned. "I missed seeing you."

"I'm so glad you're back," said Musical!Lydia. "I missed seeing you too."

To the Rescue (A BJTM and Beetlejuice (1988) crossover)Where stories live. Discover now