Rules in the story.

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Greetings. Yamano-kun here.

Today, I want to talk about the rules that I used in my story. In order for this story to be understandable,  I made this rule that been implied in this story. I appreciate it if you can follow this rule so you can understand what is about to happen in this story. Let's get to it.

1• Birth rate.

Monster-girls in my story can gave birth to many girls. If one of the monster-girl gave birth to a baby boy, the monster-girl cannot be pregnant anymore. Probability to gave birth to a baby boy is 10 percent.

2• Level 5 Coordinators.

There are five type of Coordinators in this story which is L-1 Coordinators to L-5 Coordinator. For Level One to Level Four, they used ranking levels to determined which one is the strongest  except for Level Five Coordinators. L-5 Coordinators cannot use the ranking system because all of them are equally strong. What makes them different is how they used their power for.

3• Clues

In each chapter, secret clues are completely hidden in my story. The clues are used as a foreshadow and it will show you what's about to happen next in upcoming story.

4• Big in numbers

Only L-5 Coordinators can defeat  L-5 Coordinators. But, if all L-1 to L-4  Coordinators working together, they can defeat  L-5 Coordinators.

5• Monster Descendant.

There are certain things you need to know about newborn baby in  this story.

° If a monster-girl married to a human male, she will give birth to a normal human girl or a monster-girl baby. ( High Possibility)

° There's a low possibility for a monster-girl to give birth to a baby boy if she married to a human male. But, there's a high possibility for the baby boy to inherits their mother's ability, depends on its species. They will be call as HYBRIDS. ( Low Possibility )

° If a Hybrids married to a normal  female human, she will be transform to a monster-girl depends on her husband's species.

° If a Hybrids married to a monster-girl, one of their baby will inherited both of their parents ability.

6• Harming A Human.

Monster-girl can't do any harm to any human. If they do, they will be prosecuted and will be sent to prison.

7• L-5 Pros and Cons

L-5 Coordinators  are highly trained. So, they will be count as monster rather than human. They must eat five times more that any normal human can eat. But still, in deep down of their heart, they are still human and tend to do mistake as well.

8• Good and Evil.

Good guys can become a bad guys. Bad guy can become a good guys too. It depends.

9• Monster-girl community.

There are still people that hated monster-girl community. Some human treated monster-girl as freaks.

10• Major events in the story.

Some flashbacks will lead to the same major event that occured in the story.

That's the rules that I make for you to understand the storyline. Feel free to message me and I will reply it as fast as I can. Don't worry because I'm a friendly guy and I really need your opinion about my story because there are still a lot of rooms to be fix. That's all I got to say. I will see you soon.

Yours truly


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