Chapter 8

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Three days later the Dúnedain stepped
out of the woods.
In front of him laid Bree.
Now all he had to do was waiting. Waiting for his amplification.
he hoped she had got his note.
There finally, he heard a rustle in the bushes behind him and a pretty she-wolf leaped out of the woods.
"Hey, Sweetheart." He smiled and ped her head. The wolf growled and shook her head. She hated it to be petted, and he knew it. He did it anyways.
Then it cracked inside of the she-wolf and the blink of an eye later a young woman was standing in front of him.
A layman would have guessed her on, like 20 years, but Strider knew, that this Lady was way older, she was his best friend after all.
"You send after me?", Faya asked.
"Yes, Gandalf has a quest for us and-"
"For us? Are you sure, the quest wasn't rather only for you?"
"Ok, ok. It was only for me, but I'd like you with me. We have to escort two Hobbits to Imaldris."
"Then let's go."
They walked to the gate, where they came across a group of other travellers, with which they passed the gates.

The "Prancing Pony" was an inn, which seems to be very popular because it was quite crowded inside. Luckily, Gandalf had reserved a table for them, and they sat down and trunk something. With their hood on their heads they watched the people around them, but, except from the two helpers of the innkeeper, there wasn't any Hobbit.
But they hadn't to wait too long till Hobbits (and four at once) stumbled in.
They almost instantly got in trouble, when one of them, a certain Mr. Underhill, took out the one ring and became invisible. A tumult broke out, which was used by Aragorn to "kidnap" Mr. Underhill, what his companions couldn't let happen. Of course. So Faya grabbed one of the other Hobbits and followed her friend upstairs to the Hobbits room.
They hadn't to wait long, till the two remaining Hobbits stormed in. at that moment Faya jumped off to lock the door.
"Who are you and what do want from Mr. Frodo?", the, well, kind of a little bit thick Hobbit a little aggressive.
"My name is Strider and hired to bring this Hobbit to Imaldris.", Aragorn replied.
"Yes. In your tongue it's called Rivendell, I believe.", Faya tried to help her companion.
"You're a woman?", the Hobbit called Frodo asked surprised.
"Yeah, where's the problem with that?" Maybe she had been a bit too gruff because the Hobbits flinched terrified.
"I'm sorry, it's just kind of stressing to be asked the same question over ad over again.", she apologised.
"Then what's your name?", the thick one asked suspicious.
"Um... Cecilia Nur.", Faya said.
"And who hired you?"
"Gandalf the grey."

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