Chapter 6

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Dinahs POV

"You're in trouble!" My little sister Kamila yelled as I walked through the door.

"DINAH ! UPSTAIRS NOW!" I heard my dad yell

"Great" I mumbled walking up the stairs.

I walked into my parent's room and he was sitting on the bed with the laptop next to him.

"260 dollars. Dinah I told you to to have fun but that's abuse of me." He said standing.

"Daddy, I bought something's that I needed, it happened to be expensive I'm sorry" I said.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair "the guitar, what was it for and where is it?"

" uhhh. It was for a project, for chorus, he didn't have one so we bought the cheapest one and-"

"He?" He asked cutting me off.

"His names Luke, he's amazing at the Guitar and we needed it. " I finished.

"Okay, but next time ask me, now give me my card and help your mother with dinner "

I handed him his card and the headed across the hall to my room.

I put my bag on the bed and plugged my phone into the charger.

I slipped into some sweats and my slippers, heading downstairs to help my ma.

"Hey baby" she said

"Hey ma, need help?"

"Grab the knife and chop some Potatoes for me?" I grabbed the knife and a cutting board.

Lukes POV

"Mum I'm gonna go upstairs " I told my mom after I help her bring the bags in her room.

"Okay thank you sweetie, it was nice spending time with my boy" she smiled

"Yea, I enjoyed it to. " I smiled slightly and left the room, closing her door behind me.

"That meant alot to her Luke." My dad said standing in front of me.

"I know " I said walking past him and up to my room.

I sighed as I looked at the new guitar sitting on my bed, i opened up the guitar bag and ran my fingers across the smooth polished wood.

Play it

Why? I havent played in 6 month, what if i suck.
Play it.

I sighed again, picking up the guitar and placing My fingers in the strings.

I began to strum some familiar cords.

" She sleeps alone.
My heart wants to come home.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.
She lies awake.
I'm trying to find the words to say.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you."

"Damn, haven't heard that voice in a while" I jumped as Mikey walked into my room.

"Do you know how to knock?" I asked putting the guitar down on my bed.

" Yea, but I heard you singing so I didn't want to interrupt." He smiled throwing Himself on my bean bag chair.

"Well knock next time" I said

"Dude where'd you get that guitar?" He asked.

"A friend"

"Can he be my friend?"

"She" I corrected

"Is it that Dinah girl Calum keeps talking about?" He asked

"Yea, she just bought it for me, like it was nothing"

"Maybe, it's because you're hot"

"Shut up" I laughed, grabbing my phone and opening up my twitter.

"Didn't you just meet her today?"

"Yea, that why I thought it was weird"

"Yea that is a little weird. Hey, Luke do you still think about Jane?" He asked

"Yea all the time. "

"What if she's doing this?"

"What do you mean? " I asked raising my eyebrow, looking at him while putting down my phone.

"What if she's like pushing this girl towards you, like she throwing her at you telling you to fall for her."

"Michael, that's ridiculous, no more romantic Ghost stories for you" I said turning my attention back my phone.

"Whatever, you know I'm right, that would explain why the stranger would buy you a brand new Guitar! " he smiled.

"Yea okay" I rolled my eyes.

"Well Im gonna go take a nap on your couch, Bye" he said jumping up and walking out my room.

I picked up my phone again and saw I had a few new followers.

I went through them and saw one was Camila.

I followed back and set my phone down, crawling under my covers.

It was only 8:30 but I was really tired.

I starred at the new guitar in the corner of my room. Maybe, this girl isn't that bad.

I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

She's My Hope. (Luke Hemmings and Dinah Jane Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now