Chapter 7

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*beep beep beep*

I moaned and  picked up my phone, dismissing my alarm.

I swung the sheets off and realized I sleept yesterdays clothes. I took off my shirt and walk into the bathroom.

I looked and the mirror playing around with my hair until it was perfect. I brushed my teeth and walked out changing into different jeans and a Green Day shirt.

I put on my deodorant and snapped on Jane's Necklace before going downstairs.

"Good morning, Ash can't drive you today, but Elly is on her way with cal. Here's some eggs, eat quickly " my mum said as I sat at the table.

I grabbed my fork and ate.

"Luke, me and your mother are going out tomorrow night, we're gonna be out til around 11." Dad said.

"Where you goin'?" I ask, my mouth still full

"Don't not talk with your mouthful " my mum scolded.

I swallowed " Sorry "

" We're going out for dinner with some friends" She answered.


I continued to eat.

I heard Ellys horn and took a quick drink before kissing mum and running out.

"Get in loser we're going shopping " Calum said.

I laughed as I hoped in Ellys black truck, for a such a small girl she had an unusually large pick-up truck.

We drove off to school, Elly listen to some of her music.

"who are you gonna be when I'm lost and I'm scared"

"Hey who is this?" I asked.

"Its Ya girl Dinah, and the rest of her girl group" Elly answered


"Ya, I followed her on Insta and she had this link in her Bio, they're got some really good songs, and covers."

"So strange how the same face can make you love until it hurts"

....she sings like an angel.

Yea, I didn't know her voice was so powerful

"What's there name?"

"Fifth Harmony, look em up on YouTube "

Now, that's something I can't compare to Jane, she was a really bad singer

Yea no doubt about it.

I smirk little thinking about the day I walked in one jane air guitaring and singing to Blink.

She was so bad at it but never let that get in the way.

Dinah's POV

"This is like the best breakfast I've had ever" I smiled.

Jason had surprised me and picked me up and brought me to a close diner for breakfast

"Isn't it? My mom brought me here all the time when I was little, she's a horrible cook" he said, chuckling alittle

I laughed, I looked at the clock above Jay's head

"We should get going before we're late" I said whipeing my mouth with the napkin

"Oh yeah" Jason left the money on the table and stood up. "Thank you, that was the nicest thing anyone's ever really done for me" I smiled looking up at him. He smile and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Let's go" he kept his arm around my waist and we walked out.

He opened the door and I got into his car.

The ride was quite with only the music playing, we got to the school and walked into class together, his arm still around my waist.

I smiled at Luke, he just scowled.

I  walked over to him

"Good morning."

"Yea" He just turned around and continued talking to his friend

What wrong with him.

I walked over to my desk.

Did I do something?

Luke's POV

How dare he walk in her all over her? God, i hate that prick.

If he hurts Dinah...
What? What are you gonna do?

I'll, I'll, I don't know.
Hmmm I thought you didn't even care?

She's my friend, I don't want her hurt.
Friend? Yeah okay.

so sorry I've been having a busy month. I'll try and update more. Ily thank you for reading and being patient

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