Chapter 000

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Jasariah POV

"Agghh!!!" I yawn loudly shifting around underneath my comfortable plush covers moving my hand around on my simple alarm clock to cut it off

I finally found the button silencing the rather annoying electronic beep causing my room to fall back into a peaceful quietness

"Shit!!" I realize quickly sitting back up

I start my first day at my new job as an assistant at a software company

I grab my LG Stylo 5 off the charger powering my phone on not noticing anything new since I don't have any friends or anything so I don't receive texts or notifications like that

I look at the time and see it was 8:30 am the man who I've spoken to yesterday said I didn't have to be there till ten nonetheless I like being early

I get out of bed making my way into my bathroom grabbing my Almond Milk and Honey shower cream for my sensitive skin and my Creme of Nature shampoo and leave-in conditioner cutting the water on to a very cold temperature

I sigh in content grabbing my loofa I put it under the water cleaning it getting rid of any remnants of my last shower than I squeeze some of my shower cream on my skin inhaling the amazing aroma scrubbing my skin

Once I rinse my skin of the shower cream I put my head underneath the showerhead feeling the cold water hitting my scalp I enjoy the sensation thoroughly making sure all my hair is good and wet and I start applying my shampoo washing my hair feeling my nerves calm

I continue to wash it one more time than adding the leave-in conditioner I cut the water off getting out I wrap my warm brown towel around my waist and exit the bathroom

I walk over to my phone looking at the time to see it's only 8:55 am I dry myself making sure to get in between my rolls and all

Once I felt I was completely dry I grab my creme of nature detangler and my detangler brush I begin detangling my hair feeling the brush go through my curls with ease

I then grab the hair lotion and apply some of that brushing all my hair up into a curly ponytail on top

I go in my closet looking for something decent and workplace worthy I found a cute lavender sleeveless blouse, black jeans, and black wedges I put on some deodorant, afterward lotion up my skin I was finally finished

I call me a cab gathering my things like my medicine, phone charger, and headphones

I grab my pineapple, orange, and banana smoothie from the fridge and make my way downstairs just as I get outside my cab pulls up

I get in and tell the nice man the address to the location and I slip my headphones in enjoying the ride

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