The Start.

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I put the shopping bags down and root through my handbag for my keys. I unlock the door of my apartment and bring in the bags one by one. I live by myself so you would probably think I would have only two or three bags. But not me. I have loads of shopping. Its mostly food. Its my first night here. They finally said something that made me move. I needed to be far away from them, him and my past. I moved to start my own new life. A happy life. A life where I wasnt afraid. A life where I was able to take control. A life where I could be me.

Hi, I'm Zoe Chapman. I'm seventeen, long brown hair and blue eyes. I'm from England but from today on, I'm living in Australia. I know thats a weird age to move away from my family, my friends and my education but it wasnt my fault. It was his... To be completely honest with myself, I hated my life. My parents choosing everything for me and treating me like I was still five or something. My younger brother wasnt a help much either. He just started highschool and wanted everyone to get the impression that he is one of those 'bad boys'. Im glad I'm not at school with him. As if my life couldnt get any worse, my ex-boyfriend shows up outta the blue and says hes sorry and me, being the most gullible person in the world, believed every word he said. He ended up using me again but this time it went too far.

When I told him that he got me pregnant, he decided it would be the best opportunity to humiliate me. Telling everyone I was pregnant. People who I thought were my friends bullied me.

On March 29th I delivered my handsome baby boy, Jason, alone. Jason's father,David Smith, left us. My family disowned me practically and I was only fifteen so I knew nothing about catering for babies. I didnt want to do it but I tried to look after my baby boy for a year, but it would result in him being fed and looked after and me being filthy, hungry, alone and depressed. I couldnt take care of the two of us. So now my two year old son is being fostered into a loving couple who wanted a baby. I hope he is happy. I couldnt take it any more so when I lost my son, I packed my things and took the money I had saved for my college tuition and bought a one way ticket to Sydney, Australia.

So here I am starting my new life by unpacking a shit load of groceries. Yay! (Who doesn't love unpacking groceries??) :)

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