Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I unlock it and notice a text from Drake.

From:Drake hey im nearly there! Cant wait to see you! :-)

I look at the time and it says that its 7:34! "I'm so jet-lagged!" I groan and head off to take a shower. I quickly go and grab my black nightclub dress and black high heels. Im wearing a little more make up than i normally would. I leave my hair down. "Okay, ready." I say just as my doorbell rings. I rush to the door while grabbing my keys. I open the door to see Drake in a white shirt that wasnt fully buttoned up, skinny jeans and black shoes. His hair was gelled into a quiff and when he hugged me, he smelled of a really cologne. "Hey, ready to go?"he asked. "Yeah just need to lock the door."

I got into his car to find three other boys in the backseat. "Hey Drake mate, whos this bitch and why is she coming with us? " one of them said. We got into the car and Drake started the engine. "Shes umm.." he began. "Im his bitch. Now step on it. I wanna get drunk." I said to keep them from annoying Drake- I didnt mean it at all. Drake smiled and did as he was told and as I wanted, the boys stopped nagging at him and started to talk to each other.

When we arrived, there was teenagers everywhere. Drake and the boys walked off somewhere leaving me alone. I spotted a bar counter and headed there. I sat on the stool and the end of my dress went even higher than it was. I didnt mind though. "Vodka shot please." I asked the bar tender. He nodded and poured me out a shot. I looked around me and everyone was staring at me. I pretended not to care. But then my eyes found something worth looking at. He was sitting on the couch with a few of his friends. I noticed they were the only ones who didnt stare at me. I felt a tap on my bare shoulder. "Hey you sexy thing. I havent seen you around before."a boy said. I didnt reply. "Whats your name? " he asked with a cheeky grin. I played along. "Trouble." I said before walking in the direction of the mysterious boy. I could hear people whispering. "Bad girl meets bad boy." "Nice combination." I just smiled to myself and saw that the boy and his friends were now looking at me as I came closer.

I looked at the boy. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. "Hey Bluey." I said as I stood infront of him. He looked me up and down and smiled. "Hey Trouble."he said. He was a player. I knew by the way he said that. So I wanted to play his game. "I like your shirt."

"Well I like your dress."

"Too bad. Its mine." I said sitting next to him on the couch. He smiled. "Can I tell you something Bluey? " He nodded and I lent in to whisper in his ear. I jerked his face to face mine.

I pressed my lips to his and to my surprise, he kissed me back. He ran his tonge along my bottom lip looking for an enterance. But I wanted to tease him. I put one of my hands behind his head and ran my fingers through his hair and my other hand I placed on his thigh. I slowly moved my hand closer and closer and closer until he broke the kiss. I looked at him and his face was red. "Thats what I wanted to say." I said as I got up off the couch and left to find Drake.

I smiled to myself and saw how well Drake was getting on with a girl. I decided not to bother him. It wasn't a far walk to get back to my apartment.

I opened the door and shivered with the cold. I kept walking though. I wasn't really that drunk cause I only had one shot.

Thinking of all that I did tonight, it went down pretty well. Also what kind of a school holds a party one day before school? I was brought back with the sound of a car beeping. I looked out and saw a car beside me. The window rolled down and I saw who was there. "Back for more are we Bluey?" I said jokingly. "No, I just wanted to drive you home."he replied smiling at me. "If I do I don't wanna invite you into my house and start making out with me." I laughed. He just rolled his eyes and said "You wish." I made my way to the passenger seat. "So whats your name,age and a random thing about you Bluey."

"Jeezz I would have never thought of you to be saying that!"he said

"What do you mean by that ?" I frowned.

"Well back there you were being all bad ass and now your all sweet. I dont know which side of you I prefer."

"You still realise you havent answered my question."

"I know, I know! Okay. I'm Luke Hemmings, seventeen and unhealthily addicted to Smarties. How about you Ms.Badass?"he said with a smile. "I never said I was gonna tell you anything." I said with a wink. Before he could lock me in the car, I opened the door of his car and closed the door. I look back at him and he looks a bit sad. I run back to the car. "Give me your phone." I said holding my hand out. He gives me his phone and I put my number in it. I smile at him one last time before heading up the steps to my apartment. I look at him one last time before closing the door. I am normally good at reading people's faces, but his expression was a mixture. A mixture I had never seen before.

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