Chapter 2

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I woke up in a not so comfortable position in the morning. Thats what I get for sleeping on the couch I thought. I got up and went into the spare bedroom opposite the bathroom. Since all I did yesterday was grocery shopping, eating and sleeping, I just dumped all of my suitcases in the spare room. Today was the day I had set aside for unpacking and getting the apartment clean and organised. I think I have OCD about organisation -but lets not start onto THAT story.

After a while of unpacking, I finally sorted my bedroom fully out. All I needed was a rack for my shoes, a desk and chair and a tall lamp. I had my wardrobe sorted out as well. I walked into the kitchen and remembered that I hadn't eaten yet and it was already 2pm. I decided to have a quick shower and get changed. I was wearing black disco pants, black heels, my white crop top with a big 'Z' next to a smaller 'z' and my maroon coloured beanie. I wore my usual make up, little foundation, concealer here and there, eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I grabbed my handbag my phone and my car keys. After locking up my apartment, I went to the car park and got in my car. I didnt know the town so I didnt really know where I was going.

I parked outside a small resturant and headed in. On the menu they had something that I didnt think twice about. An English Breakfast. Hhhmmm!! My favourite. I ordered and payed for my breakfast and sat down at the table. I was scrolling through a list on my phone that I had written on the plane of what I wanted to do in my 'new start'.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and a boy around my age was standing there. I looked at him and he cleared his throat. "Hey, I'm Drake. I go to Norwest Christian College. Umm... mind if I sit ?"he asked and I shook my head. New Start.. . I thought. "No not at all." I said sliding over to make room. He sat down and continued. "You are around... seventeen. .right? " I raised my eyebrow."Yeah I am.. Eighteen next weekend. Why? " "Well my school is having a early Christmas party. Anyone can come. Here all you need to know is on this."he said handing me a sheet. "Oh okay thanks.. . Um where is the school? Sorry, I just moved so yeah. " "Oh really! Um here gotta pen?" I opened the side pocket of my handbag and gave him the pen. "Text me details and I will give you a ride."he said with a smile before getting up and leaving. I looked at the paper and saw he had written down his number. I smiled to myself and put it in my bag. Just then my food arrived and I began eating it. I do love me my English Breakfast! :)

Once I ate everything that was on my plate, I walked back to my car and drove to the home store down the other part of town. I bought everything I needed but the furniture wouldn't fit inside, so I got it delivered. I also picked up some things for the kitchen. I drove back home and decided to have a lazy evening: wearing pyjamas, eating popcorn and watching the end of the film from last night. Then I remembered the boy from the restraunt and that he gave me his number. I grabbed my phone and started to text him.

To: Drake Hey it's me the girl from the restaurant. I was just wondering what type of party is it? x Z

Less than a milisecond of me sending it, he replied.

From:Drake - Oh hey. Its just a party. To blend in (if you want ;)) wear a dress or something. Its a nightclub theme. x D ps whats your real name 'Z' ? :)

I smiled to myself and replied.

To:Drake - kk thanks. :) My name is for me to know and for you to find out. :p x Z

From:Drake- Your such a tease!

To:Drake- Hey at least you found out my middle name! XD x Z

From:Drake- Oh god.. . So you ready for tomorrow?

To:Drake- Yeah I am. You?

From:Drake- Same. Whatcha gonna wear?

To:Drake - You'll see tomorrow night. :)

From:Drake - And here I am thinking you were lovely and innocent, but you are a teaser! ;p

We texted for a while until I fell asleep. On the couch - AGAIN!

(A/n Sorry that this is a very slow start! It will get more exciting in the next chapter- I promise!)

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