Chapter 7

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"PASS ME THE PIZZA BOX!" Michael screamed. "Jesus Mikey! People would think you were being murdered with that type of scream!" Ashton said covering his ears. "I could see it in the headlines: Boy uses pizza box as weapon against Striker!" Luke said in a news reporter voice. "Guys stop! If I laugh anymore you will see pizza like you've never seen it before!" I said clenching my stomach. "As in Rainbow Pizza? It supposed to be an amazing flavour! "

That was it. I jumped off the couch and ran for the bathroom. One of the things I hated in the whole wide world is getting sick. After emptying what I had eaten, I went to wash my face when someone handed me a damp cloth. I looked up to see Calum.

"Thanks." I muttered. "No problem, you okay?" I nodded. "One sec and I'll be back." I wiped my face clean with the cloth which removed my make up. I waited in the bathroom for Calum but he didn't come back. I waited and waited and waited.... Still no sign. I popped my head out the door and I could hear hushed voices.

"Oh come on mate! Its obvious you like her and she likes you!"

"Yeah he's right dude, go check if she's alright."

"Guys, she has a boyfriend already! I don't wanna mess with her."

I couldn't put a name on who was talking. I decided I wanted to know. I walked into the sitting room and all of their faces looked up at me. "Who's gotta boyfriend?" I asked. "Somebody's feeling better!" Luke laughed obviously changing subject. "You still haven't answered me. Who's gotta boyfriend?" I said sitting back on the couch. They all looked at each other. Then finally Michael spoke up. "You do. Don't you?"

I choked on my spit. (That sounds discusting I know!) "No!" I could see all of them relax. "Guys! I mean come on! Why would I have a boyfriend?"

"Cause your pretty."said Michael

"Cause your Ms.Badass." said Luke

"Cause your funny."said Ashton

"Cause your smalla then a bug."said Calum

I raised my eyebrow at Calum's compliment to me. "I will never have a boyfriend! I'm lesbian for fuck sake!"

I said throwing my hands up in the air. They all looked at me with shocked faces. "You're gay??" Mikey said pointing at me. "Michael! You dont say that! Its okay. We still love you." Ashton said. "You're still smalla than a bug." Calum said pulling me into a hug.

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore so I let it out. They all looked at me like I had five heads. "Guys! I'm not gay! I've had boyfriends before! I'm as straight as a ruler!"

A/N: I am in no way discriminating against people who are gay whatsoever. One of my best friends is gay and I see no difference. I still love her. But anyways don't take it that I am being mean by inserting this into my fanfiction.

They all just stared at me. They did this a lot and by now I had sort o gotten used to it. "I knew you were joking all along! I just didn't wanna ruin your fun." Luke said as he crossed his arm over his chest. "Yeah sure you did mate. How about we pretend that Zoe wasn't being a bitch a few seconds ago and now. There we go Ash is already asleep. What a good boy!" Mikey said patting him on the head. "Fuck off Clifford."mumbled Ash.

"Come on guys, lets get ready for bed. I'm really tired and we have band practice tomorrow." Luke said yawning. "Bed! Already?" I said. He nodded. "Well aren't you the responsible one!" I laughed as I handed him blankets and pillows. "Will you please stop handing me these I have no more hands!" he replied. I handed him the biggest blanket I owned. And, sure enough, he fell over under the weight of pillows, cushions and blankets. Luke glared up at me and threw one of the cushions at me but luckily he missed. "Ha! Nice shot Hemmings!" I said as I ran behind the couch. "Guys help me demolish her!" Luke said to the others who were obviously pretending to be asleep on the couches. "Your on your own Hemmings, are you scared of a girl?" I joked. "Okay first, stop calling me by my last name you sound like a teacher and secondly, I am nowhere near scared of you!"he said cautiously making his way towards me. He then rugby tackled me to the hard wooden floor. I screamed with the pain. "Zoe? Zoe, come on get up lets face it, I won. Zoe?" I couldn't move. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. I could feel him crouching beside me. "Zoe? Zoe! Stop this isn't funny! Wake up!"he started to shake my arm gently. "Zoe?" I could hear the worry in his voice. Why can I not move? Why can't I open my eyes? Was I slowly dying? What is happening to me. I could feel wet drops landing on my face.

"Guys!" I heard Luke roar. "Wake the fuck up! There's something wrong with Zoe she's not moving!"he roared louder. "What happened?"

Their voices were beginning to fade. All I could hear were just muffled sounds. Suddenly the voices stopped. That's it... I'm dead. I thought. But then I felt something warm touching my lips. I could gradually feel my eyes to open and I could feel my fingers twitching. I opened my eyes fully. I couldn't believe what I saw.  His eyes were closed, cheeks streamed with tears, his lips on mine. Luke was kissing me....why?!?

He opened his eyes and pulled away. More tears in his eyes started to form. I stared at him and my eyes started to well up too. I immediately pulled him into a hug. "You okay?"he asked me through sobs. "Yeah." I replied. "You scared the shit outta me dont ever for that again. Okay?" He said wiping his eyes. "I'll try not to." I said doing the same.

I don't even know what that was. Maybe a mini coma, who knows? I sure hope it doesn't happen again.. But maybe I do if that's what is gonna wake me up. But why, why him of all people, why did he kiss me? I must say though, it felt like it was supposed to be. It felt right. For just the few hours that I have known him, he makes me feel right.

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