Chapter 5

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Lily and I sat at the back of the music classroom where the guitars were. Everyone was talking among themselves but when the teacher entered, everyone was silent. She was young, brown hair and blue eyes. When she put her books down on her table she said "Would the new student, please make their way to my desk." I looked at Lily and she gave me an encouraging smile. I walked up to the teacher and she gave me a wink. I was really confused by this."Right, state your name,age and the reason why you chose music." I looked at the class and they eagerly looked back at me. It was then and there I realized that I hadn't told anyone my actual name. Everyone just called me Trouble. "Hey, most of you know me as Trouble from last nights party. But my real name is Zoe Chapman, I'm seventeen and I moved from England. Um the reason that I chose music is..."I could feel a lump in my throat start to form but I fought it. "The reason I chose music is because when in England, I went through a lot. But then I found that most people wrote music to get across a point that they want to make. And I needed that. So that's why I chose music." I looked back at the teacher and she gave me a reassuring smile. "Do you write music?" I heard someone ask. "I used to but I don't anymore. "

"Why dont you? " I heard somebody else ask. I looked to see who asked it. "I'm over here Trouble." I notice Luke standing at the door. "Because of personal reasons." I said and made my way back to my seat. Luke sat down next to three other boys on the other side of the room.

When music finished, I had more classes with Lily and then the bell rang for home time. Lily and I got what we needed from our lockers. "Wanna come over to my place? " Lily asked me. "Sorry I can't. I gotta meet with the principal now. See you tomorrow!"I called before running in the opposite direction. I didnt need to see the principal at all. I wanted to hang out on the music room more. Once everyone was gone, I went in and closed the door behind me.

Its been ages since I had set a finger on a guitar. When my life became worse, I gave up on all my hobbies. Including singing and strumming my guitar. I picked it up and began strumming and singing, like I used to do.

Take my hand, never let go,
Take my hand and say everything is gonna be alright.
Times are hard for us both but if we stay together, we will get through this.
We will never be alone.

Don't ever say goodbye to me, always stay the same, never say goodbye
never let go. Don't ever leave.

I will be right here for you whenever you need me baby just say my name and I will come to you.

As I came up with some lyrics, I jotted them down on a random piece of paper. I gave the song one last run through before I started to pack up the equipment.

"So your a badass who kisses someone without their consent and you write love songs with guitar as the music." I turned around to see Luke and his gang standing in the doorway." What do you want?" I sighed. "I want you to leave and give me my guitar before leaving."he replied. "Never knew it was yours. Well too bad. Now its mine. Bye." I said before leaving. I walked out with my school bag, a guitar case and my music folder and made my way to my car. I put them all in the back seat. Then I noticed Luke and his gang walking towards my car. I folded my arms and looked at them. "Come back inside and bring the guitar." Luke said. "Why would I to that? I told you already, I won't do what you tell me."

Then a guy with curly brown hair spoke up. "He just wanted you to come back inside so you could sing for us." I looked at Luke and again he was blushing. I laughed as I took the guitar out and headed inside the school again with them.

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