Chapter 3

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*Whitenight's point of view*

Her eyes opened and found a dark brown dragon poking her kindly. Next to the brown dragonet, there was a Sandwing and a Rainwing.The Rainwing was distracted, while the Sandwing was a bit tired and angry.

"We are late" she said "We thought you would never wake up, so we helped you"

"Hmfff... Thanks" Whitenight grumbled. The truth was that she wasn't even a bit happy to do the classes .

The four dragonets left the sleeping cave, the Sandwing guiding them. They were going to the social cave, where they were supposed to interact, know and be friends with each other. But it was normally a mess, and that class couldn't be different.

"Please... NO! You can't throw that!" Sunny tried with no result to control a group of Skywings. Whitenight only watched most of the people shouting and playing, while she was examining the others Icewings.

The biggest one was a female dragonet. Her horns were a shade of pale purple, the same color of her wings. Her tail was a little more spiky than the other one. The others two were very similar, the only difference was that one had darker eyes than the other.

"STOP RIGHT NOW. I'M THE HEAD OF THE SCHOOL AND I ORDER YOU TO LISTEN TO SUNNY" Everyone stopped suddenly. No one was dumb enough to disobey Tsunami's order.

"Good. So, students, this school is supposed to teach you more about other tribes. You are going to talk to your clawmates, try to know about their lifes, where they live, their families and those things. For wednesday, you must write a paragraph about this question: how is to live as a... And you choose a tribe to write about. It can't be about your tribe." Sunny added hurriedly. Whitenight could see many dragons rolling their eyes, but there were some dragons happy too.

"So... Let's start! Choose one dragon of your winglet" Whitenight turned around, she had one idea of who could be her pair. And she found her. Vivid.

"Hi! Oh- sorry it wasn't to scare you. I'm Mocha" A happy Mudwing said."hpff one more dragonet full of joy" she thought.

"Hi. I am Whitenight" she said without caring too much. Her eyes only were watching what Vivid was doing...

"Umm... So, do you want to be my pair? 'Cause, you know... We are suppose to interview people of our winglet" Mocha explained


"Uh- I will start. So, why are your wings weird? You are a hybrid? Oh, this will be amazing! I never met a hybrid" Whitenight looked again at her cute face and rolled her eyes.

"Obviously. Nightwing Icewing hybrid. Are all Mudwings sooo annoying?" But the last part she only wished to say

" I didn't meet my parents. I live with my siblings, one of them is here. He is Dirt, in the silver winglet. I am one of the younger of us. I love learning about other tribes 'cause in the Mud kingdom, we only see Seawings and some Rainwings. What about you?"

" I have a sister. Aurora, gold winglet. I'm the youngest. I live in Sanctuary, my father works there. My mother is Moonwatcher, Science teacher. Sometimes she teaches some students how to control powers. And I hate when the people call me weird" Whitenight finished. Mocha blushed a little, probably because she understood the indirect.

"Change pairs! Come on, it is funny!" Sunny said. "Finally. Now I can talk to Vivid" Whitenight grumbled inside her head. The Rainwing was looking to Coal, the Skywing that they met before.

"Hey! Vivid, um- do you want to be my pair?" Whitenight asked. She could feel her scales warming, like the sun was getting closer.

"Sorry Whity, I already have a pair" She said with an anxious smile.

"Ok" Whitenight said, trying desperately to not drop her wings. "Who one else could be my pair? I don't like Sandwings. Seawings? No, he is talking to Mocha, probably he is her pair. The Icewing..."

"Hey. Polar, isn't it? So, want to be my pair?" Whitenight asked. The Icewing examined her and raised one eyebrow.

"You are an Icewing. We can't be pairs" He said. After that, he turned around and started to talk to the Sandwing of their winglet.

"Hey! Stop right there. I'm a hybrid, Whitenight, of your winglet. I'm here to be the Nightwing" She explained with a bit of anger. He turned around again and smiled to her.

"Sorry, you look much like an Icewing. I don't understand why you are supposed to be a Nightwing, only your w..."

"Wings, I know. It is ok, don't worry, you aren't the first to think I'm only an Icewing. My parents told me that I'm really similar to my father. He is Winter, yes he is the prince who 'betrayed' the royal family"

"Wow, how nice! I'm Polar, not hybrid." He joked "I met three hybrids today. I don't think I can call Ocean a hybrid. His grandfather was a Sandwing, so her father was a hybrid"

"Ocean is a hybrid?"

"Aham. He is part Sandwing. Her father was a Seawing Sandwing hybrid, but when he had a son with a Seawing, the Sandwing part turned very small. It is like he is three quarts Seawing and one Sandwing. Differently of you and Vivid, who are half one tribe and half another" Polar explained. His scales were reflecting the fire of the lamps, making him glow in a strange way.

"Vivid is a hybrid?" She asked. This could explain why Vivid stay with a black color.

"Of course. Have you never looked at her? She obviously is part Nightwing. I talked to her and she told me that she was the daughter of Deathbringer and Glory. She is a princess, isn't that nice?" Now, he was looking at Vivid. The both were. The Rainwing was talking to Coal, who was looking to Whitenight. When he found out that she was looking at them, he blushed a lot and turned around, trying to avoid Whitenight eyes.

"Ok...Ok... Last time dragonets! Change pair!" Sunny shouted. "This time, I will talk to Vivid"

"Oh! One last thing, do you want to lunch with me and Coal?" Polar asked, holding Whitenight's arm. She could feel his cold talons around her wrist.

"Yes" She said smiling. After that, she ran to Vivid's direction, pushing everyone between them.

"Whitenight! Do- do... Do you uh- want to be my pair?" Coal asked. "NOT NOW STUPID RED FACE, I'M DOING OTHER THING" Whitenight shouted inside her head. She saw with the corner of her eyes Vivid talking to Sunset, the Sandwing.

"Yes" she grumbled angry. She could see his red face lighting up.

"So... You are a hybrid, right? Nightwing Icewing hybrid?" Coal asked to her

"Aham. Why are you and Vivid so close to each other? When you met her?" Whitenight asked. If she couldn't talk to Vivid that day, maybe she could know her better asking Coal.

"I'm Queen Ruby related. My father is Ruby's cousin. So one day Ruby had to talk to Queen Glory and I went with her. So I met Vivid, 'cause she is the younger daughter of them" He explained

"Nice. Does Vivid have siblings?"

"Yup. Five, she is the youngest of all them. What about you? Do you have siblings?" He asked

"Yes, Aurora, gold winglet. She is older than me" Whitenight said looking at Coal amber eyes."Yeah, Vivid was right, he is very handsome"

"Awesome. I mean, this conversation is awesome. But it is near to end. One more minute and..."

Everybody started to run to the door when they heard the gong outside. Lunch time.

Hello! Are you liking this story? I wish yes. I wrote another story, it's about Winterwatcher and Qinter. It is called star, sun and moon. I'm sooooo glad you are reading this! :D

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