Chapter 13

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*Coal's point of view*

His wings were heavy. It was so difficult to carry this guilt, but Coal would finally let it go. He wouldn't feel guilty anymore. Some Seawings made a seductive smile to him when Coal flew near them.

"Uh..." He rolled his eyes and continued. The school was oddly less busy, it was easy to open his wings without touching anyone. "It is only my impression. Everyone still is here" Coal tried to answer that weird phenomenon. Ahead, the library was the most full room of the school. "Polar can be there. I think he likes to read, doesn't he?"

"You can't fly over the librery" Coal turned around and found a Nightwing. She was small, almost as small as Sunny. The dragon had tiny silver scales on the corner of her eyes and a purplish tone of black on her wings.

"Sorry? Who are you?"

"I'm Fatespeaker, Starflight helper. If you want to go inside, you have to walk" She gave a surprise grin when Coal landed. "You are a very polite student" He blushed a little and gave her smile back, pleased.

Polar wasn't there. There were some Nightwings, Seawings and Rainwings but there wasn't any Icewing. Sunset was reading a scroll with a male Mudwing. A wave of jealousy invaded Coal's body, surprising him. It was REALLY strange that he was jealous of Sunset. She barely had talked to him, but he still cared about what she was doing. "You are weird Coal. Are you liking Sunset or Whitenight? Why do you have this weird obsession with them?" He thought a little confused.Coal left the cave, gracefully. He doubted Sunset saw him, but that didn't matter. The only important thing was to find Polar.

He had to close his wings when he arrived at the entrance of one tunnel. Inside it was dark and a little wet. The gray walls of that tunnel always seemed to watch Coal, like paintings. Since his visit to Ruby's palace little after Scarlet death, Coal developed an inexplicable fear of paintings and dark walls. On that day, he slept inside a weird room because the 'little prince Cliff' was too special and he didn't want to share his room with anyone. In Coal's room, that looked much more like a dungeon but they called it a room, there were some statues and A LOT of paintings. But they weren't normal paintings like a happy dragon flying, they were paintings of dragons DYING and being TORTURED and some dragons with psycho eyes staring at him like they were going to kill him during the night. There were some decapitated heads but luckily there was a cloth covering them. What could Coal do? He was only a dragonet sleeping inside of the Burn's old room. Since then, he never slept inside Ruby's palace again.

He was almost reaching the end of the tunnel when he heard something. A scream echoed through the tunnel. Coal heart twisted and fell to his stomach. His wings stopped working, he couldn't fly anymore. Coal recognized who screamed. It was him. It was Polar.


He ran through the tunnel, his wings lightly brushing on the walls. Hundreds of thoughts ran into his mind, even more than during his conversation with Whitenight. "What is happening? But Polar? It was my fault...If I wasn't so jealous and selfish he would be alright. But who is doing this to him? Who can be hurting him?" Another scream, this time even with more pain.

"Why didn't you listen to dad Polar?! You Don't deserve this world! You are just a piece of shit that ruins everything! STOP BEING A COWARD AND END THIS!" Someone cried. It was terrible, Polar seemed to shout and cry worse than the time Coal hurted him. "I can't let anyone hurt Polar" Coal closed his eyes, a silent tear of guilt streamed on his face. And when he opened his eyes he wished to close it again. Polar was bleeding. But the worst part was that nobody was there except him. He was hurting himself.

He was the danger and the victim

He was killing himself

"I don't deserve anyone. I don't deserve anyone. I don't deserve anyone. I don't deserve anyone. I don't deserve anyone...I-I don't deserve..." Polar repeated. With a yell of pain, he cuttuted himself. Blue blood ran off his arm.

"STOP-STOP! No! Polar!" Coal shouted, trying to stop Polar to cut more himself. The Icewing stared at Coal and widened his eyes.

"What- Coal?" Coal held tightly Polar's arm when he tried to free his arm. "Wha-What are you doing here? Let me go! Get outta here!" He shouted. Coal was really surprised that Polar was much more strong than many other dragons he met.

"Polar, drop the knife right now" Coal ordered. Polar narrowed his eyes and smiled falsely. "Why are you doing this? What do you think your family will feel? And your friends?"

"MY FAMILY IS DEAD! DON'T COME HERE AS IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE NOTHING! YOU WAS ONLY OF THE MAIN CAUSES OF THIS! Don't- don't..." With a single strike, Polar kicked Coal's chest making the Skywing free his arm. He fell on his wing, making it impossible to fly. Coal yelled and jumped to Polar direction just when he saw Polar sticking the knife in his perfect white scales.

"NO!" It was too late. Blood was pouring from his arm's wound.

Polar didn't shout. He just stayed there, in the same position with an empty expression on his face.

"It will be better for everyone. I just always ruin everyone's life" Polar said still with the empty expression.

"No, you don't. Polar, Whitenight needs you. I need you. I made a mistake, Polar. You didn't betray me. Please forgive me. And forgive yourself" Polar body was shaking. Coal could feel that inside his head, one part wanted to continue hurting himself and blame him for everything and the other wanted to believe in Coal.

"Do not tell me pretty lies, Skywing" Polar snapped. Quickly Coal realized that Polar was going to do one more of his awful attacks to himself so he ran to Polar direction and pushed him down. He fastly climbed on the top of Polar's belly and held both claws of him against the ground. Polar gasped trying to free his claws. He gave a fierce look at Coal.

"I will say one more time, leave me alone!" Polar roared, struggling. Coal held his talons harder.

"NO" Coal said again. The Icewing opened his mouth and shot a blast of frostbreath. Coal jumped out of Polar's belly but he wasn't quick enough, the blast catched Coal's tail.

"ARGH!" Coal yelled. He looked at the wound. It was terrible, his red scales were more like a gray blue than their real color. "DAMN IT HURTS!" Coal realized. Before that, he thought frostbreath was like holding ice, it bothers a little but it doesn't hurt. With his peripheral vision, he saw Polar breathing hard. The knife was stuck in his arm.

"STOP! No!" Coal cried. He ran and jumped on Polar, but this time he wasn't going to make that mistake again so he held his snout. Polar was a little bigger than Coal, so it was a little difficult to hold Polar. After some seconds, he realized that he was as striving to hold Polar as he was to fight his fighting teacher. Smoke coiled out of Coal's snout.

"Polar, life is too precious to lose it. You can't give up. Your problems aren't going to disappear, they are only going to annoy other dragons. We can solve this together. We will solve this together. You only have to believe in me and drop this knife. Please Polar, believe in me" The Icewing looked at Coal, his artic eyes dying for help. Coal could see in his eyes that he wanted to believe in Coal. He wanted to hug him and give up of that stupid idea. But something was forcing him to continue there, hurting himself. "I will help him to solve everything. I will kill this thing that is killing him. I will save him" Coal thought determined.

"Take my hand, Polar" Coal offered his hand to his ice friend, smiling kindly. Polar looked at him, afraid. Coal never thought that Polar would try to kill himself, he was so kind, happy and funny. For Coal it was impossible that Polar was so destroyed inside, but now he could see. He needed love more than everyone. Polar closed his eyes and a tear fell off his eyes.

Coal slowly went closer to Polar and hugged him.

"It is ok, Polar. I'm here" The Skywing whispered. Polar was trembling, the blue blood oozing on his body. Tears fell off his face, mixing with the blood on his body. Coal opened his wings and, with pain, wrapped Polar. All he wanted was to protect Polar from all these awful feelings. "It is alright Coal. Polar is alive. You saved him" Coal body was hurting, he was bloody but he saved Polar's life. This was all that mattered. The Skywing looked up and smiled. "Thank you moons, thank you. Thank you for saving Polar" a tear fell of Coal's eyes. Inside the cave, the two dragons stayed there in that hug, crying.

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