Chapter 10

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*Coal's point of view*

Behind him, his newest friend, Sunset, was reading one more scroll. She barely was doing anything but reading. This was good, she wasn't the best dragon to talk, but she was a very good dragon if she wants. Today was her reading day. Or better, 'If you interrupt me, I will cut a slice of your face or say your deepest insecurities' day.

The classes had been horrible. In the first one, Webs catched him drawing. But this didn't matter, the worst part was what he was drawing. It was Whitenight, and better, Webs recognized the familiar hybrid face. And what happened after? Extra homework.

The second one was even worse. He sat near Whitenight and Polar, who was with a dreadful scar in his belly. They were talking, like always. Coal was sick of their conversation, Polar was always close to Whitenight making him feel angry. But this day was worse, they were giggling together like he was her boyfriend. When Sunny said the class would be with a pair, Coal instantivaly asked Whitenight. But she refused and when Polar asked her, she accepted. Polar knew that he liked Whitenight, but even after that, he accepted...

The third one was the better of that day, but bad. In the art class, Clay ordered them to make pairs. He said you would paint your pair. After all the other classes, he wasn't cheered up to do that, but he accepted and tried to find someone. Finally he saw Whitenight talking to Polar. Already with a pair. When he was almost giving up trying to find someone, Vivid came and asked if she could paint him. Coal didn't have many options, so he accepted.

At the end of the class, Clay showed everybody the drawings. The drawing Sunset did of Ocean was absolutely majestic. The drawing Ocean did of Mocha was bad, but not so bad. In Vivid's drawing, she made him a little more handsome of how he really was. In the drawing, Coal had much more muscles and he was with a little smile. And at last, Clay showed the drawing Whitenight did of Polar. He was smiling, with his blue wings opened and his hand touching kindly Whitenight's face, as he normally did. But it was something weird in the drawing. There were tiny hearts next to Polar's name. He didn't know how to feel. Polar knew. He knew he liked Whitenight, so how could he betray Coal without any guilt? The class ended and the few dragons of Jade winglet left the cave.

"Whity, it wasn't his fault..." Polar said while he was organizing his material.

"It was. You saw how he was happy when he saw her drawing! He is in love with her! I hate his stupid re..."

"Shh..." Polar interrupted her. He gave a significant look to her and after that, to Coal. Like an arctic wolf, Whitenight showed her teeth to Coal, in an angry face.

"Umm... And our drawing? Did you like it?" Polar tried to change the subject. Coal was destroyed. He betrayed him. Trying desperately to not drop his wings, he left the cave with an enormous pain in his heart. He almost couldn't breath. So he ran to his cave.

Laid on his bed, his pain and sadness became angryness. He never felt more angry in his entire life. If he saw his white face near Whitenight again... He stayed almost one hour thinking about Polar, because Sunset was already knocking on the door to call him to their usual walking around the school. So there he was, walking with Sunset in one tunnel that led to one of the underground streams.

"Uh... Horrible" Sunset muttered while her black eyes were reading fastly the scroll. Coal knew that if he asked what was horrible, she would say something like 'it is none of your business' so he prefered to stay quiet. Now Coal finally could see the cave and for his surprise, had only two dragons.

"Full" Sunset said, turning around. But Coal didn't move. He knew who those dragons were. They were Polar and Whitenight.

None of them noticed the Skywing staring at them. They were too busy reading a scroll together. But they weren't reading like friends, they were reading like boyfriends. Whitenight was with her head on Polar belly and Polar was with his tail around Whitenight's, making it impossible to look at them and not think they're boyfriends. They laughed a little.

"Funny" Polar said. Whitenight looked at him and smiled.

"Yes Snow Eater, funny" Whitenight said "But I have to go. Want to come?"

"No thanks. I will stay here" He said reading again the scroll


"Goodbye darling" he said. Whitenight looked back and rolled her eyes. Coal looked at the Icewing hybrid walking to another tunnel. She gave a last look at Polar and disappeared into the tunnel. "Darling. They are really dating" Coal thought angry. He was so mad with Polar that he could easily say lies to Queen Ruby and start a war against the Icewings. He could order the whole Skywing army to slice pieces of Polar. Polar betrayed him...

"Darling? Are you serious?" Coal hissed. Polar looked at him surprised like he suddenly appeared there.

"Hi Coal" he said giving him a warm smile

"Don't give me that smile after all you did to me. You betrayed me" he said sharply. Polar now was with a confused face.

"Oh you really think I will believe in that face? Who are you to talk to the queen's relative? You are nothing. STOP DOING THIS FACE! YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE WHITENIGHT" Coal roared

"i know... But what did I do?" He asked lowly

"What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU ARE DATING WHITENIGHT" Coal roared. He could feel the hate in his veins, making him a little dizzy

"We aren't dating we are..."

"LIAR" Coal took some steps closer, feeling the weird feeling when the blazes are in your throat. "Don't lie to me stupid little snowman"

"You called her darling. You are always together, giggling and telling jokes about me. I saw your look to Whitenight. I saw the little hearts she drew next to your name. I saw when she refused me and chose you. And I remember telling you I was in love with her" Coal hissed. Polar was now with a face of fear and terror. "Fear me you stupid liar. Feel all the sadness I felt when I saw you with her"

"I hate you, Polar. When I come back to my kingdom, I will make sure you will be dead. Never look again at Whitenight. Are you listening to me?" Polar was wailing, with his eyes closed. After a few seconds, he nodded.

"Good. You aren't so brave when you are really talking to me, aren't you?" Coal provoked. He kicked Polar, who yelled of pain.

"Loser. You'll never be better than a loser" he hissed "Goodbye, loser"

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