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Harry's POV

Were now on the way to the camping site, Jennifer seems so excited. And i'm happy to see her like that. Seriously I never experience camping, Olive hates stuffs like this, So i've never done anything like this other than going to mall, fine dining and theme parks.

"I'm so excited.. Hey, aren't you excited?" she asked

"Huh? I am. what makes you think i'm not?"

"You looked so serious.. You're not smiling, your mind seems to be nowhere" she said as she turns her gaze on the window..

I reached her hand and held it as I drive. She looked at me and gave me a smile..

"I'm excited okay? I'm happy, and I can't wait to go camping with you." I said making her smile big.

That smile..

She nods, as I continue driving through our way. We finally reached it, We met the guy who will guide us to the camping site.

"Hi, so i'm Arthur, and I will be walking with you until we reach the camping site. so I guess you're ready?"

"Is it only us who will camp today?" Jennifer asked

"Actually some couples and group of friends are already on the other camping site, I guided them earlier" the guy said

We both nod as we started to trek through some forest, then we reached a hanging bridge, I swallowed hard, there's no way i'm gonna walk passed that.

"Wait, I bet there's another way to reach the other side of this right?" I said

"This is the only way sir. All of the campers went through with this" He said

No. I'm afraid of heights.. Yes, I'm an engineer who makes buildings, and I live on the 14th floor but i'm afraid of heights, The moment I saw this bridge it made my knees tremble.

"But that's so high. and that hanging bridge. Is that even safe?" I asked feeling nervous.

"No one had fallen from this, this is safe." he said

Jennifer held my arms as I looked at her.

"Don't be scared.. We'll go through that together, and he said it was safe,"

"Excuse us first." I grabbed Jennifer's hand as we walked inches away from the guide.

"I have a massive fear of heights, and I can't walked on that hanging bridge. why don't we just go home and watch movies? or lets go to a theme park, How about that?"

She looked at me with sad eyes.

"You don't want to camp don't you?" She said tearing up already, Wtf

"Hey.. I didn't say I didn't want to camp. what i'm saying is I can't walked on that fucking bridge" I said

She looked at me and started to sniff, as she bites her lip controlling her tears.

"Okay.. C'mon let's just go home" She said with her voice cracking,

She's now walking passed me, with tears in her eyes, fuck. I can't stand seeing her like this, Ugh.

"Jennifer," I said but she just continue walking..

"Okay fine! I'm gonna walked on that bridge, and we'll go camping!" I said as she stopped walking and face me with a grin on her face.

Typical Jennifer... she's so cute.

She rushed back to me and hugged me.

"I love you." She said as pecked my lips.

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