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       September 1st, 1989

         "I'm leaving now!" Lyra called out, holding a mound of Floo powder within her small hands. She waited for an answer, hoping for one. When no one called back or came at the sound of her voice, she sighed and gathered her bags. "Off to Hogwarts, where I'll be for the year!" She yelled one last time.

        "Miss Black!" She heard someone yell, she grinned⸺showing off her perfect white teeth. She heard a loud 'crack' before a small creature appeared in front of her, his bug-like eyes tearing up slightly. Dobby's ears were back, as if about to be punished for even saying goodbye to the eleven-year-old girl. "Dobby wants, wants to wish Miss Black safe travels, Miss black." He spluttered causing the girl's smile to grow as she knelt down to the elfs height, placing a hand on his head⸺he flinched almost instantly before realizing the girl didn't want to hurt him. 

        "I'll miss you Dobby, you seem to be the only kind one around here. I really appreciate your goodbye, it almost makes it harder to go." She told the elf truthfully, her voice just above a whisper. Dobby's eyes grew wider than possible. 

        "Oh! Please don't stay because of Dobby, Dobby doesn't want to cause Miss black any ill will!" Lyra shushed him with a chuckle, holding him in his spot, worried he'd go off and hit his head against a post. "Dobby just wants Miss Black to be happy."

        "I wish that for you too, Dobby." Lyra hugged the Elf, who once again flinched at the affection showed to him. "Thank you for coming to say goodbye to me, would you like to accompany me to the station?"

        "Dobby mustn't! Dobby must stay and wait for orders from his master." 

        "Of course, how could I be so silly."

        Lyra stood, taking her bags once more. Both filled with books, parchment, quills, robes, and dresses. She sent a final smile and wave to Dobby, who's tears were finally spilling down his wrinkled face. She walked into the fireplace and yelled out her destination with a proud look, just like she had all those years ago⸺the only difference being that it was now her time to experience life at the Magical school and nothing could get in her way, not even herself. 

        She heard the train whistle first, then she saw it. She smiled brightly, stepping out from the hearths. She promised to meet the Weasleys near the magical wall, where she already saw many families running through. She made her way over, her head held high. 

        "Is that who I think it is?" Lyra froze as she heard a person whisper not too far away from her, an adult whispering to her husband. Their child looked to where they were pointing, Lyra Belvina Black coming into view to all. "That's Lyra Black." They hissed. 

        "I had no idea she'd be coming to Hogwarts this year." 

        "Stay away from her, you understand me." She spotted a father holding his son's shoulder roughly, pointing at him. The son nodded, not quite understanding the issue. 

        "She looks like how I expected her too, like her father. Wondered if the crazy was passed down too."

        "Of course it was, she's a Black. Bet that Veela mother was insane too, that's all those Veelas do anyway."

        "And what would that be?"

        "There was a rumor that Veelas would seduce men into mating with them and then they would tear off their heads, like the beasts they are. I don't doubt it one bit. Specially with Sirius Black, Crazy attracts crazy."

        "She's cursed, that one." 

        Lyra leaned against a post, listening to the hushed whispers around her. It was hard to hear exactly what they were saying, the hustle and bustle of the station getting louder and louder with every passing second. Lyra knew though, she knew exactly what they were saying. She couldn't help the frown that found its way onto her lips. She had a similar experience at Diagon Alley only a few months prior, the Weasleys were there though to help her get through the judgmental stares and whispers. 

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