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        Valentines day, 1990

         "Who do you think it's from?" 

        "I'm not sure, that's what scares me the most." 

        It was a nice and cool morning in February, Lyra and Tonks sat beneath a tree looking out at the Black Lake. Tonks sported a Gothic look that day, her hair an inky black falling into a blunt bob. She said it was only necessary for what day it was. Valentine's day. Lyra had already been a victim of the unfortunate love letter, it was only ten in the morning. 

        "It's written in green, has to be a Slytherin." Lyra deduced, observing the letter instead of actually reading it. "Must be some joke then, no Slytherin in their right mind would like me."

        "Oh come on, it's cute. You know my mom sent my dad a love letter, he thought it was a joke too." Tonks informed Lyra, leaning back to lay on the ground. "He thought it was ridiculous that a Slytherin would like a muggle-born Ravenclaw, but my mom sent it to him because she loved him."


        "Well, no. My mom does love my dad, but that story never happened. But! It isn't such a farfetched thing, someone in Slytherin might actually like you." Lyra rolled her eyes, still weary of the letter. "Are you going to read it?"

        "I don't know-" Tonks quickly grabbed the letter out of the first year's hands, Lyra huffed. "Hey!"

        "Dear Lyra Black," Tonks read out, holding the letter out of Lyra's reach. "although you may not know me, I know you." 


        "Shut it." Tonks told her, before going back to the letter. "I find you to be quite enchanting, your laugh sounds like music to my ears. I happen to know who you are, but I do not fear you. I think you are beautiful and kind."

        Tonks continued to read the letter, which was beautifully crafted. Lyra just listened, not fighting anymore. The letter wasn't too long, but it never got straight to the point. 

        "I believe we could be friends if you wished, I would love to have the privilege of getting to know you. I heard somewhere that green is your favorite color, so I wrote in it. Though I must say, I am not particularly fond of the color." Tonks stopped reading to look at her young friend. "Well that was a twist." 

        "Who ever told them that, really thought they were funny." The first people who came to her mind were the twins, they would find something humorous in telling a poor boy that Lyra's favorite color was green. She despised the color green. 

        Tonks finished the letter and looked at Lyra with big eyes, pouting.

        "That was so adorable, Lyra." She told the girl. "Who ever this kid is, he is in love!" 

        "They said they wanted to be my friend, it said nothing about love. Whatever you're thinking, I don't like it." Lyra stood, dusting off her robes. She offered a hand to Tonks, who took her hand gratefully. "So stop getting ahead of yourself, Tonks." 

        "I'm not! I just think the letter was really sweet." Tonk's hair turned to a light pink. "I never got a valentine during my time here, I think you should be happy. You're a first year who is already getting love letters, that's something to celebrate."

        'One, I got one letter. The rest of the kids here hate me." 

        Tonks looked down at Lyra, her face softening as her hair turned back to an inky black. Lyra smiled briefly before turning to walk off, Tonks following not far behind. While they walked, Tonks tried to figure out a good way to break the silence. When they walked inside, they heard a bang behind them. 

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