Letter to Tonks

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Dear Tonks,

        I can't believe you're not going to be at Hogwarts with me this year, I can't even imagine not seeing you trip in the halls. I might hold a grudge because of it, I'll just ignore all your letters and spread a rumor that you have become a waitress at Madam Puddifoot's. I know how much you'd love that. The only way you can fix this argument is to simply let me spend the weekend at your house, the Malfoys are leaving me alone again and the Weasleys are visiting Bill this week. So, expect me at noon sharp because I will be there whether you like it or not. Tell Andromeda to make that honey cake that I love, but of course be polite about it. 

        The Malfoys never make me anything, last time I asked Dobby to make a cake he made a mess. Lucius is becoming more and more nasty to me as the years pass, Narcissa isn't even trying to acknowledge me anymore, and their son Draco is a brat. They make me miss Walburga, crazy as that seems. 

        Charlie told me he finally told you that he's leaving for Romania soon, he was worried you'd throw a fit. He's leaving after they get back from Egypt, their Mum wasn't too happy about that. The twins tried to bribe him into taking them with him, they offered him two more sickles to take me too. They soon found out he couldn't take us with him, in the end he kept their money. 

        I really miss you, and I'll see you this weekend. 

Love, Lyra.


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