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        May 10th, 1990

        The battle raged on, no conclusion in sight. It was the most annoying thing, to the teachers of course⸺to the students, it really wasn't a big deal. To a few students, it was quite humorous. Gathered in various classrooms, the questioning continued on between student and teacher. 

        In the charms room, Flitwick questioned a reluctant Cedric Diggory⸺whose story was rehearsed well with the others, he wouldn't break. In the Defence against the dark arts classroom, Albus Dumbledore had a very interesting conversation over tea with Nymphadora Tonks. In the Transfiguration room, Mcgonagall took full responsibility for the questioning of ALL the Weasleys plus a very giggly Lee jordan⸺sending one in at a time. Finally, the potions room. Snape took responsibility for questioning Lyra Black, intending to get her expelled from the school forever. 

        Of course the teachers greatly underestimated the amount of planning the students took, Lyra Black orchestrating the cover up. She looked all seven of her comrades in the eyes and told them exactly what to say, having to at one point lightly slap Percy in the face as he was quite hesitant in the idea of lying to a teacher. Though, to the surprise to everyone, agreed to Lyra's plan and went through without anymore fuss. 

        "If you don't do this, we WILL be expelled. Listen to exactly what I'm saying and we will be fine, stray from the plan and all of this will be for not. Do you all understand?" Lyra remembered telling them, the pressure beginning to weigh on all of them. They all nodded before hearing the stomping of many feet in front of them, they were all separated from each other. 

        Now here they were, pulling off the biggest cover up in Hogwarts history⸺allegedly. 

        "Start from the beginning, Mr.Weasley." Mcgonagall started with the eldest Weasley, Charlie seemed to not be the least bit nervous. He remembered Lyra's words well and stuck to them, for the sake of his education and his brothers'. "Where were you before the incident?"

        "I was with Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks."

        "I was with Charlie Weasley, sir." 

        Tonks sat in a comfortable chair, next to a warm fire. The Defence against the Dark arts classroom smelling of mothballs and burning wood, the tea in her hands making the air smell softly of herbs. She felt relaxed in the Headmaster's presence, the lie beginning to feel like truth. Albus smiled and offered her lemon drops, she took one with a grin. 

        "Yes, you and Mr.Weasley are quite close. Why am I surprised?" He chuckled, his white beard moving slightly. His eyes sparkled as if remembering friendship of youth. "What did you see exactly, Miss Tonks?"

        "What happened, Mr.Weasley?" Mcgonagall asked coldly, the room around them had a chill to it. Charlie, although not nervous, felt quite uncomfortable with the lowering temperature. It didn't exactly help since he was drenched head to toe with water and dirt, he looked absolutely filthy.

        "Well, that's actually very hard to explain. You see, Professor. I'm not even sure what happened." He laughed sheepishly, scratching off the dried mud on his robes. "I guess you could say I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time."

        "Mr.Weasley, I hope you know that if you know anything about what happened earlier today that I will be forced to expel you and anyone else involved in that little stunt." Her eyes softened. "I don't want to do that to the Captain of the quidditch team, to someone who is about to graduate. You are throwing all your work away."

        "I don't know what happened, promise." 

        "Sir, to be completely honest." Tonks said in between chews, sometime during the conversation a box of biscuits appeared. Tonks smiled and took them in her arms, her hair turning a light yellow. "I have no idea what happened, one minute I'm talking to Charlie and the next... BAM!" Tonks described quickly so she could chew on another treat.  

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