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The soft pitter-patter of the rain echoed throughout the forest, the small animals bustled around the forest floor hurrying to safety from the rain. The woods seemed to be darker almost like they could sense the danger that lingered in its shadows. 

A deer in the distance scampered off into the forest as the trees began to rustle. 



Through the dark forest a young woman  ran  frantically with the tiny baby in her arms trying to get away from the dark shadows of the horrid people chasing her they were hunters they only had one thing on their minds and that was to kill the precious baby that she held in her arms the sweet innocent silver eyed baby that she would do anything to protect.
She pushed herself harder running deeper into the forest, she was surrounded but she smelt the scent of her old companions, the Cullens and quickly hid the sweet child leaving a small envelope with a note for the Cullens.

“STOP RIGHT THERE”, A deep voice commanded. The woman quickly moved from her position and hid in the thick trees. 
The footsteps grew closer to where she was hiding, she knew her only choice was to lead them away.
She ran from the thick trees leading them away when she felt a kick to the back of her knees and she crumbled to the ground she knew this was the end but if she was going to die in this forest so were they.

As she turned around she felt sharp pain coming from her cheek, they slapped her. Narrowing her eyes she sent a punch to her attacker's throat. 

“Hrrph”, He groaned stumbling backwards. She stepped forward sending a swift kick to his head, making him howl in pain.


She twirled around and grabbed the back of his neck slamming it down on her knee. 

“Ugh”, She stumbled forwards as a hard kick was sent to the back of her head. She spun around glaring at the person.

“Come on, don’t be shy...Naomi”, Her attacker taunted, by the sound of her voice it seemed to be a girl.

Running forwards shooting her hand out almost hitting Naomi in the eyes. Naomi grabbed the back of the girls neck, throwing her against one of the trees. The force of the impact sent tiny pieces of the tree bark flying off.

“Now I’m mad”, The hunter girl growled. Naomi smirked and flexed her hand, she was having fun. 

Running at her Naomi flipped through the air sending a roundhouse kick to the girls face sending her flying back into the same tree. She smirked as she heard the small groan the tree had made at the sudden impact.

She grabbed the woman’s gun and fired once at the girl and once at her previous attacker. 2 down, 1 to go but where is the 1?

Naomi turned around glancing up at the trees scanning the place for the last hunter. She let her eyes wander over to where she had placed the baby. Her eyes widening as she saw a dark figure standing above the small bundle.

She quickly jumped over the two bodies and sprinted over to him, the low branches scraped against her skin but she didn’t care…

Because she had one job and she intended to finish it.

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