chapter 5

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(Photo of nyx above)

Naomi watched curiously from the sidelines as the two girls moved closer to each other, she thought she had seen green glow emitting from their hands. She shrugged it off thinking, ‘Maybe it's a side effect of being dead’.

But she leaned forward as the two girls were now close enough to touch hands, they were side by side talking about random stuff that Naomi could care less about. But here she was anyway leaning forward in anticipation wondering if something would happen if the two ever touched. 

“Come on Selene I’ll help you find your way home”, Nyx stated as she sprung up from her seat on the rocks. She held out her hand for Selene to take and obviously Selene took it, but what was interesting was that right after they touched hands a green vine wrapped around their wrists and a blue rose bloomed on it, then it glowed and became engraved onto their skin.
Naomi gasped as she realized it was a soul mark. She turned to the girls as they squealed in excitement. 
Selene squealed, "Nyx this must mean we are meant to be best friends forever!"

“Yeah, Yeah I guess”, Nyx said, trying to hide the smile on her face. She had a friend, she never had one of those before, she was happy.

“Yeah yeah good job and all that but ma'am you’re still lost in the woods”, Naomi pointed out. Selene turned around as she heard Naomi. She found her sitting in a tree in a spot where she could now see and hear everything perfectly. 

“Oh yeah, but you were the one that got me even more lost”, Selene argued.

“I mean if I didn’t you wouldn’t have met this one, so technically you should be thanking me”, Naomi said proudly. Selene rolled her eyes and threw a pebble at Naomi’s head not thinking it would hit her since she was technically a ghost.

“Ow”, Naomi groaned. “OH, I'm SO SORRY I DIDN’T THINK IT WOULD HIT YOU AS YOU’RE TECHNICALLY DEAD”, Selene apologized sincerely.

“Fine”, Naomi grumbled.

“Who are you talking to”, Nyx asked confusedly. She didn’t understand why Selene was apologizing to a tree. Selene jumped in fright, she had forgotten that Nyx was behind her.

“Umm… I was talking to my friend”, Selene said, she was unsure of how her new friend Nyx would react to her being able to talk to a dead person.

“Are you friends with the trees”, Nyx asked curiously.

“Well, no she’s human but she’s technically dead and I don’t know how I am able to talk to her but I am”, Selene explained. As she explained Nyx started walking back towards the direction that she assumed was Selene’s house. 

“THAT’S SO COOL”, Nyx exclaimed excitedly. “What’s her name, is she nice”, She asked.

“Her name’s Naomi, and I guess she’s nice, mommy says people like her are called sarcastic”, Selene told her. Nyx listened to every word, she was fascinated by the fact that her new friend could talk to dead people.

The two girls and the dead woman continued into the forest as Nyx led them towards the house. As they got close enough to see the house Selene looked at confused as Nyx stopped walking.

 "Nyx whats wrong," She asked her new best friend. 

"I'm not allowed any closer, it's against our rules but meet me here tomorrow," She told Selene before scurrying off into the woods. 

Selene shrugged before walking to find her dad, she had a lot to tell him.

“DAD DAD DAD DAD!" She yelled as she looked around the back yard.

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