Chapter 4

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*3 half years later*

It was a rainy day and little baby Selene had just celebrated her 4th birthday two days ago. She had gotten many presents from the Pack and the Cullens, especially her Aunt Alice, who literally bought out an entire section of a store just for her. So, let’s just say she won’t be needing new clothes any time soon.

“Mommy, can I go play outside, pretty please”, Selene asked her puppy dog eyes were in full effect.

Rosalie tried, she really tried to resist but she just couldn’t even when she closed her eyes her puppy eyes were haunting her in the darkness.

“...Yes, baby, you can go play but don’t go too far”, She said kissing Selene’s forehead. Little Selene beamed and ran to go get her rain boots. She had a bunch of puddles to step in today.

Emmett followed his daughter outside making sure to keep her in his sight; he didn’t want her to get lost.

Selene’s P.O.V.

“Selene”, A voice whispered, the soft breeze carried the voice up to her ears.

“Yes daddy”, She said looking back at Emmett. He looked confused, “I didn’t call you”. Selene frowned but shrugged and said ok.

“Come into the forest Selene”, They whispered. Selene twisted and turned, who was talking? Selene was confused. 

“SELENE”, She followed the voice as it grew louder and more urgent. She waddled through the forest, the voice now felt like the person screaming I guess they were close. 

“Over here Selene”
“Selene, Selene”
“Look at us”.
“She’s not what I expected”

Selene looked to her right as the wind harshly blew her head to the right. Her jaw dropped in awe as she saw tiny shiny figures that were flying over her head with wings. 

“Woahhhh”, She said as she reached out to touch its wings.

“I wouldn’t touch that if I were you”, Another deeper voice called out. Selene looked around in fright had her parents found her wandering off from the house. Was she going to get in trouble for being away from the house?

-Meanwhile at the Cullen household-

“Emmett is Selene doing ok”, Rose asked from inside the house. She had been working with Esme to make proper food for the humans, she wanted to be able to cook for her daughter. So today Esme was teaching her how to make Rainbow potato bake, one of Selene’s favourite foods. 

“Yeah she's doing fine”, Emmett said as he looked up from his book watching Selene play with the rocks on the floor.

-Back to Selene-

“Who are you”, Selene asked as she looked over at the dark-skinned woman who was sitting criss-cross on the floor. 

“Your guardian angel”, The woman teased. 

“Why can’t I touch them”, Selene whined, she really wanted to touch the shiny things.

“They are called pixie’s and those one’s are wind pixie’s meaning they can control the wind to make tornados and such, but they are also known to be quite cunning, so I wouldn’t touch them”, The woman explained.

Selene decided that she could trust this woman and decided not to touch the pixie’s, she didn’t know why but she just felt like she could really trust the woman. She felt so safe around her… don’t tell anybody but she feels safer around her than around Emmett. 

Selene looked around and looked behind her, where am I, she thought. She was officially lost.

“I’m lost”, Selene whimpered coming closer to the woman. The closer she was the safer she felt, it was kinda like the way it was for Leah.

“I mean you did just follow some evil pixie’s into the woods”, The unknown woman told her. “It was a bad idea”, Selene agreed.

“Hey, what’s your name”, Selene asked. She had just realized that she didn’t know the woman’s name and just kept thinking of her as ‘the woman’.

“My name is Naomi, the greatest dead person to ever live”, She shouted. Selene furrowed her brow if she was dead, how can I be talking to her? Why does that name sound familiar?

“I know what you're thinking if I’m dead, how come I look so damn good”, She laughed to herself at her own joke. Selene gave her a look, “That’s not what I was thinking”.

“I was thinking if you’re dead how come I can see and talk to you”, She asked confusedly.

“That was going to be my second guess”, Naomi teased.”But my guess is that because I was your protector when I was alive, I am now your protector when I’m dead...I know that makes no sense but I don’t really know”, She answered.

Wait….protector…. Naomi… that means…. She's the angel from… from mummy's stories she's my Naomi my angel the knight who died to save me… she saved me… she died for me… The stories are real….

Selene started to cry unable to hold back the tears 

"you're my Naomi from my mummy's stories?" 

“Just to be clear who is your mommy?”, The woman questioned. 

“Rosalie Cullen”, Selene beamed.

“Oh... nice to know she still talks about me”, Naomi said with a faraway look in her eyes. “But back to the task at hand, you’re lost in the woods”.


“Follow me, we’re going on a field trip”, Naomi announced with a smile.

“Are you taking me back home to see my mommy, she misses you?”, Selene questioned. 

“Um… well here’s the deal basically you’re the only one who can see me because I’m dead and normal people don’t see dead people”, Naomi explained.

“So you're saying I’m not normal”, Selene challenged. Naomi smirked, she knew that the girl was trying to make her feel bad, but she got the wrong girl to play that trick on.

“Yes, I do, do you think seeing me is normal? Do you think that everyone talks to their dead protectors...don’t say yes? You’re special because not everyone has a protector as you do.”.

“Ok so let’s say I am special but why can I talk to my ‘dead protector’”, Selene said mocking Naomi’s words.

“WELP, that’s a question to ask your mom, cuz I don’t know, and I don’t know why I’m only able to talk and see you now”, Naomi explained leading Selene someplace in the woods.

“Where are we going”, Selene asked. 

“We are here and it’s a surprise”, Naomi said sitting down on one of the big rocks. She was waiting for something to happen.

Selene sat down on the grass and started to play with it as 5 minutes passed. She was quickly getting bored but just as she was about to leave she heard a rustling in the bushes. Selene perked up and focused on that area. 

What if it’s a killer?

“Oof”, The person said as they flopped out from behind the trees. They stood up and brushed off the dirt and leaves from their clothes and hair.

“Uhh” Selene murmured looking back at Naomi who was just smiling, she gestured for Selene to go talk to them.

“Are.. ok”, Selene asked the girl who appeared to be the same age as her. The girl’s head snapped up as she heard Selene’s voice.

“Oh um… didn’t realize anyone was here”, She muttered. 

“I’m Selene”, Selene introduced. “Oh, nice….oh, shot um I’m Nyx”, She said introducing herself. 

“Are you a pixie as well”, Selene asked innocently.

“No I am not a dumb pixie I am a fae, someone who is kind and peaceful not like those creatures”, Nyx said proudly. 

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