chapter 2

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Rosalie let out a small gasp as she saw her long time friend on the floor, dead. She froze, unable to comprehend what had happened.
“Rose”, Emmett called out, he knew how much Naomi had meant to her. She had meant a lot to him as well, she was an amazing friend to all of the Cullens, but Rose and her went way back.

“She left a note”, Rose whispered, picking up the small white envelope that was left on the ground. 
"What does it say babe," Emmett asked quietly 

Dear cullens 
I'm sorry to do this but please look after Selene for me, she is special and will need protection that I only trust you to offer.
My dear sweet Rose and Emmett please protect her and raise her as your own.
But there is one thing you understand when she grows up she will gain powers like no other.  mythical creatures will be drawn to  her throughout her life as when the time comes she will become queen of all mythical creatures.

Love your dear friend

“She expected this, she never expected to come out alive”, Rose whispered dropping to the ground. She picked up the crying baby from the dirt and cradled her in her arms. As the baby got farther and farther from Naomi her cries seemed to increase.

“Don’t worry baby, we’ll take care of you”, Rose whispered, pressing a kiss to the baby's head. 

“We’ll come back tomorrow and have a proper burial”, Emmett reassured Rose, pulling her close.

‘I’m going to miss you old friend’, She thought before letting herself be dragged away by her mate.

“Family meeting”, Rose announced sullenly. Confused, Cullens and Jacob entered the dining room in their respective seats around the antique table.

“What is it Rosalie?”, Carlisle questioned.

“Emmett and I found a baby in the forest...and we want to keep her”, Rose spoke. That had everyone’s attention, “What do you mean in the forest”, Bella asked.

“I mean in the forest on the ground, Bella”.

“Was she alone”, Esme asked.

Uhm...No, she was with Naomi”, Emmett responded. Everyone seemed to perk up at the familiar name, well everyone except Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob who didn’t know who she was.

“Well where is she, did she go out to get stuff for the baby”, Alice beamed.

“...she’s dead”, Rose answered hugging the now sleeping baby close to her chest. 

“W-what, how”, Esme gasped. Rose dropped her head tears that would never fall gathered in her eyes, as she thought about her good friend.

“She was killed by hunters”, Emmett told them, the atmosphere in the room was tense as they all thought of what had happened. Naomi was a good friend to the Cullen family and hearing about her death left them with a range of different emotions. Sadness, anger, pain, and distress.

“I-I don’t believe it”, Alice stuttered, “Why would I joke about such a thing, Alice”, Rose sobbed.

“What about the baby”, Jasper asked. Seeing as Rose wasn’t in the right state of mind to really do anything Emmett carefully took the baby out of her arms, and showed her to the rest of the family. 

As soon as he did Jacob instantly shifted, his wolf bowed his head low to the ground. He stayed like that for a few seconds before Jacob shifted back into his human form. Instantly he left the room, probably to find some clothes.

They watched as little baby selene babbled away while almost looking like she was talking to someone. It was as if the event that had just occurred didn’t faze her in the slightest. Renesmee stood up as if she was going to go after Jacob.

“Stay”, Edward spoke to her. Being obedient Renesmee sat back down, it was obvious she wanted to check on Jacob and make sure he was ok, but for the Cullen family this was more important.

“So are we just going to disregard everything that just happened”, Renesmee questioned. “We’re not too sure what happened with her and Jake but you can’t deny that you feel something strange when you're around her”, Rose said finally speaking up.

“I say we should keep her, if she could do something like that to Jacob then maybe she’s important, and also it’s what Naomi would want”, Carlisle said ending the conversation. Even though the family meeting was over no one moved from their spots, they were too entranced by the little bundle who was now in Alice’s arms.

They wondered what she did that made Jacob react like that, they wondered why she seemed so oblivious to the danger around her. Normal babies would cry in the presence of vampires, but not Selene because she was different.
Suddenly jake storms into the house shaking
"The pack and the elders are on their way, we are meeting them at the clearing for a meeting about that thing!" Jacob yelled disgustedly.

"It's baby Jacob, a innocent baby who's been through a very traumatic experience and is being hunted, don't be so cruel not so long ago it was ness who was in her position," Rose hissed protectively, taking the now crying baby out of Alice’s arms.

That thing compelled me, it’s a witch”, He cried out.

“And you're a werewolf and I’m a vampire if she was a witch who are we to judge”, Jasper said, surprisingly defending the young girl.

“Don’t be late”, He said before storming out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. Renesmee sighed as she watched her boyfriend leave, sometimes he really was unreasonable.

“We should get ready then”, Esme announced speaking up for the first time since the conversation had started. The Cullen family quickly got dressed in their normal attire and sped out of the house, on their way to the clearing. 

-At the Clearing-

The Cullens took their positions standing in a line as the elders and the werewolves were gathered around waiting for them to arrive.

“I’ve heard you got another demon child”, Paul joked, getting disapproving stares from the rest of the group.

“If what Jacob claims is true we would like to see the child”, Billy said looking at Rosalie who had the bundle in her arms.

Looking at Alice for reassurance the dogs wouldn’t do anything Rosalie turned the baby so that she was facing the pack and almost immediately they shifted and bowed their heads low to the ground.

Billy along with the rest of the elders smirked knowingly as he looked up to the baby girl, she was truly the Queen of the Supernatural.

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