chapter 3

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Billy stepped forward causing some of the pack to growl, he looked at them with disappointment but what surprised him was one of the wolves with silver fur jumped in front of the baby growling protectively. It was the she-wolf, Leah, Billy once again looked at the elders with knowing looks before stepping forward again and speaking.

"In our tribe, many generations have passed on the legend of the queen of all mythical creatures. They say one day a baby will be born with the ability to mend the bonds between creatures who have been enemies for centuries, that she will have a protector within each species which will help guide her it is also said she can give those she finds worthy a second chance at finding a mate,"

The pack including Leah ran into the woods shifting back into their human form.

"Dad you can't believe this thing is some... queen, can you i-it's a witch it's a danger!" Jacob yelled from where the pack stood shaking. The pack growled from their spots, not liking the way Jacob was talking about the girl.

"Yes, I do son because it also says in our legend's that the pack will recognize the queen because their wolf senses her and will Shift and bow signifying they submit and will protect The queen," Billy replies getting frustrated with his son's behaviour.

The Cullens stood around watching the father and son argue, they were very aware of the way the pack seemed to be glaring at them. As Jacob and Billy bickered Leah inched over to where Rose was, which made Rosalie quickly shield the baby away from her.

"Leah", Sam called out.

"Leave her", Billy said, forgetting all about Jacob for a second. He looked at Leah knowingly, "She's her protected".

"Pardon me, but could you elaborate", Carlisle asked. "I assume that when she was born she had a protector, you can tell she had one because she has the protection tattoo, but something must have happened to them since they are not with her to make Leah so protective", Billy said.

The Cullen family looked down as they remembered Naomi, her previous protector. They looked back at Selene and found the protection tattoo along her spine.

"Do you know what happened to her previous protector", Leah asked. "She died", Rosalie said with a bitter tone. She did not like the idea of the dog protecting her Selene.

"Oh...uhm can I ask how",

"No, no you can't", Rosalie said harshly before walking away from Leah with the small child in her hand. She still didn't get along with the wolves as the rest of the family had, but as of right now she just seemed so tense with them around.

"Are you Cullen's going to take care of her", Sam asked, receiving growls from the pack.
"Yes", Carlisle said calmly. "WHY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO HAVE HER, HUH", Paul growled.

"I don't know maybe because the person who died protecting her wished for us to have her", Bella shot back with sass.

After that comment, nobody else had anything to say about Selene's living arrangements. The pack turned to leave and the Cullens conversed with Billy about Selene until they were interrupted by Leah.

"I-I-I would like to get to know Selene and ... and earn your trust... I don't plan to hurt anyone I would just like a chance to know her, please Rosalie," Leah pleaded nervously. A deep desire was in her to protect the child and get to know her.

"I guess, you could come to see her... sometimes", Rosalie reluctantly said.

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