chapter 1

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Gaining speed Naomi leaped up into the air tackling the last hunter down to the ground. 

“Gahh”, he shrieked. 

She was seeing red, how dare he try and hurt her protected. Lifting herself up from him she punched him in the face, once then twice. Then he was knocked out. 

She turned her back to him checking to see if the little baby, Selene, was alright. She picked the baby up into her arms rocking her as the baby started to cry. 

“Argh”, She yelled out as something sharp impaled her. 

“Hehe, never turn your back on your attacker, but don’t worry you won’t be able to attack anyone else after this”, They smirked. 

Gritting her teeth Naomi set down the baby, and pulled out the knife in her side. She hadn’t planned on coming out of this alive.

She fell to the floor, her hand feeling around the cold ground for the gun she had put down earlier. 

“Come on, you’ve got nothing to say”, He taunted. Naomi held up her facade of being scared and desperate.

“Please, don’t hurt me...I’m sorry’, She sobbed. He laughed loud, “If I do spare you, what good will you be to me”.

Naomi’s hand finally grasped the gun from the dirt floor. She chuckled to herself in victory.
‘I’m going to have fun today’.

“Please….. GET OUT OF MY FACE”, She yelled stabbing him with the knife he had previously stabbed her with.

Raising the gun she shot him once in the leg, then once in the other leg. She winced as she walked over to him, her wound was pretty bad.

She grabbed the gun tighter in her hands as she approached him.

“YOU CRAZY BITCH”, He yelled to her. Smirking she crouched down over him, slapping him once then twice.

“Who are you calling a bitch”, She growled, shoving the knife into one of his bullet wounds. He howled out in pain, “Ahhh”.

Then she stood up and shot him once in the center of his head. 

She then turned around picking up the small baby, she felt so tired. This wound was really taking a toll on her.

“Hey baby Selene, one day you’ll be all 1grown up and you’ll rule over all of this. I’m very happy to have served you, My Queen”. 

She heard running feet but she was so weak all she could do was curl around her to protect Selene. Trying to hide her when she saw come through the trees Rosalie and Emmett Cullen, she let a small smile grace her face as she heard them call her name before darkness surrounded her.

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