Be Mine

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Zach POV

I love her so much. I need her to be mine. She seems to only think of me as a friend, but I need her to be my girlfriend. I'm going to get her on Valentine's Day.
Robert POV

Its been months. We are in February now, just a week away from Valentine's Day. I still love her so much. I made a mistake in the past. I needed to correct it. She needed to be mine again. I will get her back on Valentine's Day.
Christina POV

I don't know why but Robert and Zach have been acting extremely odd.
**1 week later**

I woke up and it was Valentine's Day, my least favorite holiday ever. "Good morning. And happy Valentine's Day!" Zach said, handing me a envelope. I opened it and there was a hand written note. I read it, but the end is what caught my eye the most. "Be mine." I looked up at Zach, he was smiling, "so what do you say?" He asked.

"I have to think about it." I said.
Austin POV

"So you know what you're gonna do when she comes down?" I asked Robert. He had wanted me to help him win Christina back. "Yea." He responded. A few moments later she walked downstairs. "Hi." She said.

"Hey." I said walking away.
Robert POV

This was going to be more complicated than it seemed. "Hey." I said after Austin walked away. I gave her the vase flowers. "Happy Valentine's Day." I said.

"Aww thanks." She replied.

"Read the card."

"Will you be mine again?" She read the end aloud. "This is so sweet. But I need to think about it." She said, kissing me on the cheek. She walked over to the living room and put the vase down on the table. She sat on the couc next to Austin. He handed her a card, "You too now?" She giggled.

"Just read it." He said.

"Yes." She said happily after reading his card and hugging him. I just walked upstairs to my room and laid on my bed.

Authors Note:
Cliff hanger. Did Austin betray Zach? Why?

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