Leaving the city

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"Have a nice day!" I said to a customer who in return gave me a kind wave and smile while leaving with their fruit. I leaned against the side of the fruit stand. Man, I was bored.

Working at the fruit stand could be fun at times when Kumi was there to work with me. Sometimes we'd fool around, occasionally getting us into trouble, but we were hard workers. Most of the time.

Or when I got to pick fruit with Taia, who runs the fruit stand. She was a kind old lady who was always there to give me advice, which I appreciated. I'd tell her all about what was happening in my life when we went to pick fruit. Taia even knew about my parents and how scummy they could be.

Most days were like this though. Standing for hours waiting for customers. Sometimes I'd people watch and count all of the people who wore hats or had red shoes. Other times I'd read. But the thing I did the most of was dream about leaving Ba Sing Se. I'd often talk to Taia about it.

"I've never seen the world outside of the outer wall" I plucked an apple from one of the trees and placed it in my basket.

"My parents would never let me go. They say that Ba Sing Se is the safest place In the world and that if I left I'd be putting myself in danger"

"You're growing up, (Y/N). Whether or not your parents realize it" Taia counted the apples in her basket "It's time that you stood your ground and let them know that"

The sun was setting which meant that It was time for me to close the stand. I put the fruit away for the night and covered the stand in a tarp.

I never went home right after closing the stand. I would go to my secret hideout by the river. That's where I could practice my airbending in secret.

Once I made it to my hideout I used my bending to leap onto one of the trees that stood along the river. I twisted my hands in a circular motion creating an air ball and then catapulted it beneath me sending my farther into the air. I started to fall but before I hit the ground I created an air cushion that broke my fall.

I discovered that I could air bend 9 years ago. I had gotten pretty good at it. As good as I could get without a teacher, at least. That was another reason why I wanted to leave Ba Sing Se.

A little over two weeks ago word had gotten out that the avatar had returned, and that he was an air bender. I know that wanting him to teach me airbending seemed selfish since he's the avatar and has more important things to do. But he was the only other living air bender besides me, and who else could?

After working at the fruit stand for three years I had finally saved up enough money to get out of the city. I even had a note written for my parents. The only thing left for me to do was to just do it, so why not tonight?

"You're home late, as always" my Mother said as I walked in the door. She stood in the kitchen, kneading dough.

"Well, I'm home now" I stated standoffishly. I slipped off my shoes and put them by the door. "You could at least ask how my day was" I added. She would never ask how my day was. I don't know why I even bother.

She silently folded the dough back and forth. "I'm busy" she finally said. Of course she was. If only she knew this was the last time she'd see me in a long time.

"I'm going to my room. Goodnight, Mother."

"Goodnight, (y/n)"

I started down the hall to my room. As I opened the door I saw Kumi sitting on my bed.

"You're leaving aren't you?" she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. I shushed her.

"Be quiet, Kumi! The walls are thin!" I said in a whisper yell.

"But you are, right?" Kumi asked again quietly. I thought that I was being subtle about all of this. But of course she could tell that I was acting differently.

"Yes." I answered. "But before you start there is nothing you can do to change my mind. I know what I'm doing"

"I wasn't going to try to change your mind. I trust you know what you're doing. But you're keeping something from me, and I know that you have been for a long time."

Shit. What do I do now? Do I risk my parents finding out by telling her about my airbending, or do I risk losing our relationship by not telling her. Not to mention I'm leaving, and even if she doesn't show it, she's upset.

"If I tell you do you swear not to tell anyone else?" I said sternly. "Especially not Mother and Father"

"I promise, (y/n). I just want to know what's going on with you. I'd never put you in danger"

I took a deep breath. I raised my palms towards my dresser and sent a small air gust towards a book, knocking it over.

I turned to back to Kumi. "Well, there's my secret."

Kumi sat there awestruck , eyes wide and and beaming.
"My sister is an airbender!" She said in hushed yell, almost too loud. I shushed her again.

"Remember what I said. Don't tell a soul" I reminded her. "If you're wondering, the reason why I'm leaving is to find the avatar and see if he can teach me airbending."

"Wow." Kumi laughed in disbelief "I mean, I knew you were keeping something from me, (y/n), but this is not at all what I expected." She stood up and embraced me tightly. "Just... be safe okay? And I'll miss you."

I hugged her back. "I'll miss you, too. Like crazy. And I'll be back someday, don't worry."

Kumi helped me pack my clothes and toiletries into my bag, as well as some food that she snagged from the kitchen. I pulled on my coat and opened the window.

I hugged Kumi tightly one last time before I climbed through the window and into our yard. After Climbing over our stone barrier I turned to give one last look to Kumi, who waved. I waved back, and she shut the window.

As I walked towards the secret entrance I felt something come over me. Something that told me, this is what I was meant to do. And suddenly, leaving felt a lot easier.

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