Think: Chapter Twenty-Five: Safe

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Twenty-Five: Safe

"Wake up," Bakugo pleaded. "Wake up, dammit!"

You could tell you were being carried, just by the sway of your body. You felt warm water hit your face, coaxing your eyes open.

"Why would you do something so stupid?! You could have been killed! I'm supposed to protect you, not..."

Your fingers reached out, hoping to grab anything for stability. They found Bakugo's shirt. Your tired eyes met his face. Tears had streaked through the dirt over his cheeks. His crimson gaze shot down to you. His arms tightened around your body.

"I thought you were dead...I thought you died, dammit." He choked on his words, but he didn't stop running.

You heard additional fleeting footsteps, suggesting you weren't alone, others were following. Bakugo didn't stop. His whole body continued to tremble, even if the tears had ceased. He didn't stop even when camp came into sight. He didn't even stop when you'd reached the building. He'd thrown the building doors open, moving inside with you tightly embraced to his chest. When he saw Mr. Aizawa, he nearly collapsed into him with you still in his arms.

"Her head...check her head...she's bleeding..." Bakugo said through helpless gasps. He pushed your limp body into Aizawa's arms. He was not willing to leave your side, even when Aizawa had grabbed you from him.

It was seconds until the other students had come in the door as well. Your memory had been foggy after that. You remembered Aizawa clearing some desks and setting you down. You remembered seeing Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari. You remembered seeing Bakugo, holding on to your hand like he was the only one keeping you from falling to your death over a cliff. You remembered the back of your skull being grazed by fingers, but you'd blacked out just as the pressure had left you.

You woke up in the hospital with a vicious jerk of your own body. You'd involuntarily reached out, grasping the sheets of the cot with tensed fingers. Your head immediately felt like it had been cast into a fire at the slightest movement. It was all you could do not to scream, setting your head back with cautious and hesitant movements.

"Oh, Anna!" your mother sobbed.

"She's awake?" your father asked, surprised.

"Mom, dad..." you trailed off, wincing.

"You'd been in a coma for three days...the doctors didn't know if you were going to wake up." Your mom choked on another tearful sob.

"I-I..." You felt so weak. Even now, keeping your eyes open felt like it was taking away all of your energy. Your eyes flared open. "B-Bakugo! I-Is Bakugo okay?" you asked.

Your parents took a tentative step away from you.

"Who?" your mother asked.

The tears were coming to your eyes again. "Bakugo was being taken...Is he...Did they take him?"

Your father glared at you sternly. "Why would you risk your life for another student?" your father asked coldly. "You should have stayed put, Anna. You should have run away."

"But...I saved him, didn't I? Is he okay?" you pleaded. "He has to be okay."

"Listen to yourself!" your father shouted, making you quiver in fright. "You're in critical condition! Who cares about some boy with a powerful quirk?! He should have been able to protect himself!"

Tears streamed down your face, as you stared back into your father's bloodshot eyes. You didn't care if he scolded you. You needed to know. "Katsuki Bakugo is not just some boy! He's important to me! All I want to know is if he's okay!" you screamed back at your father. Your quirk flared, flinging small objects across the room with your voice.

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