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Before we start I'm rewriting this, it's been a while since I updated it and I'm sorry for that. I got a little better at writing and rereading this is making me cringe so I'm fixing it. I hope you enjoy!


Once upon a time there existed two deities, Fate and her sister, Destiny. Combining their magic they formed a universe that they called, Undertale. They absolutely loved their creation, but eventually they got bored. The sisters weren't able to create copies very well but they wound up making one. Despite it being completely contrasting from the original, it made due.

The au, or "alternate universe", was a world where there was no war, and the monsters were never trapped underground. Both humans and monsters got along fairly well; although a handful of the citizens didn't agree. However, our main focus is on four small skeletons; Geno, Fresh, Error, and lastly Ink. Three of the children were brothers. Ink was Error's best friend. They were all as happy as life would allow them. That is until the deities pulled them from their home and transformed it into the Anti-void. Fate left the three brothers in the anti void and took Ink to be the creator. Seeing that Ink only had a fragment of a soul, he couldn't hear fate or destiny warn him about the balance. He kept creating and creating, until the multiverse was almost at it's limit. The deities had to think of something and fast. Fate recalled the three lonely skeletons she abandoned in the Anti-void. She had an idea, maybe she could make one the destroyer as a temporary solution. She knew the lengths she would have to go to get this into motion.

She told her sister her plan, they were both hesitant but it needed to be done. They took Geno and Fresh and forced them to be out codes. Because of Geno's health problems in his past au, they made a different timeline to fit him based off of the original universe. Concerning Fresh, he was there to make sure that Ink and Error didn't get out of hand.

The sisters kept Error in the Anti-void along with putting voices of the Creators in his head. Slowly but surely, making sure he would carry out his job.

~Authors note~

Sorry I haven't been posting, I've lost a lot of motivation and I finally got back to it. Their old au is based off of momma cq and other Wattpad creators. if you want anything added to the book, comment and I might write it. I need more ideas for future chapters, right now I'm just focusing on rewriting what I have but it would be great if you gave some ideas. Bye and have a good day/night!

(465 words)

The story of a destroyer that will never get told (on hold/slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now