6-Like it used to be

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(Y/N POV.)

Sans is being weird...
Something not right about him......

We all know that Sans has the power of teleport that almost like a cheat code! But the lazy skeleton himself walked all the way back to his Waterfall station!

You heard me right! He WALKED all the way back!! He didn't use his power! He didn't use the river person's boat! He actually walked!!

What the hell!?!?

I got so shocked that I stopped talking half through the way, staring at him. And he seemed to enjoy it???


Did Alphy break him during the test??????????

Anyhow, we got back to the Waterfall before Frisk.

I wonder......
Is it ok that he skipped all of his lines in Snowdin? He had a puzzle all the way back, wasn't he? If you can call his unsolving word search as a puzzle.

Never had a character missed their dialogues in the past!

It's a brand new thing!!

I can't help but feel excited! This is what I waiting for! A new experience out of the loop!

Although... I didn't expect Sans will be the one do something new in this " GAME ".
He always acts like a dead man, not only because he is a skeleton. He is the kind of monster that so negative to do anything not until he absolutely has to, some people call it lazy but... to me, he seems to give up a long time ago. Long before I woke up from death.

If you want my guessing, I would say he probably used to be a very persistent monster since he can be so determined when we fought.

...... all right, I have enough of the bonehead, let's focus back on Frisk's adventure.
I can see them getting closer to the station.

Hmmmm...I hope Frisk haven't gone on that date with Papyrus yet, I would like to be part of it!
Not that I have a feeling for him, it just that Papyrus is so goofy the " date " itself is hilarious to watch.

" Huh... buddy, you doing good? " Sans gave them a lazy smile.

Frisk returned a thumb up with determination! ...That could be barely seen from their face.

[ Where are you, Sans? I haven't seen you on the way.] Frisk tilted their head confused.

Good god! It's about time they found this numbskull is weird!

" You know me kiddo, a lazy skeleton like me won't waste the chance to use my doubles break time, nothing to worry about " Sans gave them a wink.

" Hey... I still have some time left, let's give you something to eat, you must be bone-tired~ What do you say, pal? "

Frisk nodded happily.

OH! COME ON! That just the same thing!
I was thinking of getting a new experience! Now it back to their original route!

Sans took them to Grillby's by shortcut, same as every other time.

Why the hell they have to come here!? Frisk never ate the food anyway, why waste the time! Even the whoopee cushions prank hasn't been funny a hundred times ago.

I got so bored that I floated in front of the dog who plays poker and pretend to play with it.

God dame it! When will they finish their conversation!

" You keep going I gonna stay here for a while. " As time went by I heard Sans said, his voice somehow relaxing.
Sans usually was the one left first, I guess he wants to talk to me without Frisk watching.

Great! Are they finally done? I can't watch the dog lose to itself anymore, too pathetic...

Frisk nodded as they took their leave, I got shocked by it.
Why? Because I'm coming along with them just like it used to be.

Sans obvious got a little panic by this, he tried to grab me but went right through me.

Ha ha ha! His expression is priceless!I laughed at him loudly...... then I stop at where I am.
...... Well shit... don't tell me I'll go back to Sans right after I laughed at him...

Oh nah... Just Frisk stops moving.

(Sans' POV.)

I need to organize all of the information I got so I choose to walk back to Waterfall.
Everything was peaceful in a way, I quite enjoyed the nice silent between me and (Y/N) during the walk.

Welp... Maybe I'm the only one enjoy it but you can't have it both ways every time.

Deep down in my soul, I know it just a cheap excuse to spending more time with her but I don't want to accept that thought.

In a surprisingly good mood, I bring the kid to the Grillby's as I used to.

Everything will be all right... I told myself and tried really hard not to burst into laughter by (Y/N) adorable action in front of Frisk's face. It looked so cute as she pretended to play with the dog.

But every good thing always comes to the end.

I told Frisk to go forward.
And (Y/N) followed behind them as they left.........

I was alarmed by it, reaching out my hand without thinking.
Of course, my hand penetrated her body without a doubt... although my soul still felt empty by it.

Now my hand raises in the air awkwardly.
All the monsters in Grillby's are looking at me.

I have to think of an excuse and quick!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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