The Lost Member

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Shortly after Kian joined Our2ndLife, Ricardo Ordieres left O2L. He claimed to have left because his schedule was "hectic" and he was more interested in becoming a radio personality then a YouTube star. As you know, there are always two sides to a story.

The real reason Ricardo left was because he was kicked out of the group. Ricardo was only using O2L to get his name out into the world - using the channel to bring himself success. Ricky Dillon had a post up on tumblr stating that Ricardo used the boys to gain an online following. The tumblr post also states that Ricardo was "rude, two faced, and fake." Ricky's friend Shelby Waddell confirmed the rumors.

In Ricardo's goodbye video, he confessed, "Ricky Dillon; you don't have one mean bone in your body and I truly love you like a brother." The statement, being the complete opposite of Ricky's, only adds to the suspicions that Ricardo was indeed, "fake and two faced." After Ricky's tumblr post, Ricardo began receiving many tweets and comments asking if the rumors were true. Ricardo responded with a statement that denied accusations. The comment said that everything was fine, and that he still hangs out with the boys, and loves them like brothers.

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