Leaving Doesn't Mean You're Gone

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After 2 years of going strong with O2L, Connor Franta decided it was his time to go. He was feeling depressed and over all, not himself. He wanted to put 100% effort into all he does and he just couldn't do that anymore. Connor leaving ended a chapter in his life and gave him the time he needed to start a new one. Shortly after, Connor moved out of the second house he had shared with 3 other O2L members and starting renting his own apartment. He has since uploaded many videos to his own YouTube channel, including his "Coming Out" video where he let the world know that he is gay. He also did a fund raiser for the Thirst Project and raised thousands of dollars for that charity.

Connor leaving left his Monday slot open, but the other members reassured us that it would not be filled. Monday was Connor's day and just because he was no longer making videos on the channel did not mean he was any less a part of O2L. He will always be recognized as a member of O2L in the eyes of the boys and the fans.

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