Dealing with Failure.

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John walk into the kitchen with Kate cooking breakfast again. He couldn't help but look away in guilt. She probably had spent a long time trying to cook one of the sasuages. He didn't speak a word as he came to the table. John watch as the woman cooked.

'Why is she here? This doesn't help her in any meaniful way.' John thought.

"Not gonna say anything?" Kate asked.

The woman gave him a smile as she looked at him. However, John smelled smoke and looked at the stove.

"It's smoking." He addressed.

The woman seem to click her tongue at moving the pan away from the stove. She grumbled in annoyance at burning another sausage. John watch as she brought the pan of burnt sasuages to the trash.

"Wait..." John said before mumbling something inaudible.

Kate stopped the trip to the trash bin and gave him a curious look.

"I couldn't hear you."

John turn his head.

"I said...wait I'll eat them. Please." John spoke a bit louder.

She did help him out the other day by making him realize the gravity of his past actions. The most he could do for her is tolerate her horrible cooking. Kate watch with a content smile as John ate her food. The Teen finally waking up and how much he hurt those around him. John didn't need Keon's torture. John needed time to develop and heal as a person. She couldn't help but feel proud.

'We both know that the real work starts from here on out. It'll be a tough ride but it will be worth it. I won't let him turn out as I did.' Kate thought.

John stomach obviously didn't agree with his plan on tolerating her cooking. Kate watch as he ran to the bathroom and heard him puke his guts out.

'Least he tried.' She thought.

It took a couple of minutes for John to come out of the restroom.

"Horrible food." He grumbled.

"Whatever kid." Kate said.

John didn't say anything more before heading outside. After all, he still had to help someone and be nice to them. That or Kate would force him out of the house...again.

John kicked the peddle down the sidewalk as he spent the entire day looking for someone to help. Though a few things seem to happen that annoyed him to no end. He hadn't found a single person to help and the teen had looked all through his favorite places. The places his friends would go to but it seemed like today was peaceful. A nearly improbable event that just happened today. In all circumstances, John had failed in his objective. He became pissed at not being able to accomplish his goal. It didn't help that the Teen became frustrated at failing at something he wanted to do. Thus, he returned home with Kate there to welcome him.

"How'd it go? Find a lot of people?" She asked.

"I couldn't find anyone." John spoke.

Kate gave John a worried look. He didn't seem his impulsive self and she figured that the boy had made a genuine attempt.

"There's always tommorow." Kate dismissed him.

John didn't look convinced as he still felt somewhat guilty about the whole thing.

"Don't give me that look, I thought you were strong. You didn't help anyone today but there is always tommorow. Keep trying. Now, get over here I wanna watch something with you." Kate said.

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