Chapter 1

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9:11 a.m.

My own footsteps echoed as I walked down the hallway. Barely anyone was around, which was weird because classes haven't even started yet.

Usually the campus would be packed with students by now. I glanced at my phone, it was 9:13 am. I had almost an hour to waste. I was so tired and hungry but I'm used to neglecting myself. So I should be fine.

I didn't really have any friends, I just know a lot of people. I mainly I've been focused on working or on my classes. My freshman year, it was completely different.

I would go to parties almost every night and be the center of attention. It felt good to have all eyes on me but I changed for the better. The only problem is I was failing every single class except art.

This is my second year attending this university, I'm honestly terrified of what the future holds for me at the moment. I fucked up my first year and I don't want to do the same this year.

It's like I've woken up and realized I wasted my scholarship. At the time I wanted to be a nurse then maybe later on a doctor.

I knew I wanted to help people, that was my intention in the first place but now I'm so lost. I could try again but I know I'll mess up again like I always do. So this year I'm retaking everything.

I decided to waste my time sitting at one of the tables in the center of the campus. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Twitter for the time being.

A few minutes later I felt someone sit next to me, it was Gabriella. She moved closer to me and watched me look through my timeline. She finally spoke up.

"So Chris, why aren't you taking any classes with me?".

"Like nursing?" I said. She nodded.

"Yes, I thought you were going to try again?".

"Nah I don't think so. I realized those classes aren't for me". Fuck nursing, that shit ain't for me.

"Maybe it is". There was a slight pause for a moment. She wrapped her arm around my waist and said.

"I miss seeing my best friend". I smiled.

"You already see me everyday".

"Yeah, but I miss sitting next to you, copying notes, waking you up every time you fall asleep". I started laughing.

"Well why don't you just take a class with me?".

"What do you mean? Like art".

"Yeah or English. I could use some help in French too because it's pretty hard". She smiled.

"I always wanted to learn another language".

"Sign up for it ASAP then".

"Okay come with me then".

I looked at my phone. "It's 9:42 though".

"So? You have 20 minutes". I sighed.

"Okay". I followed her to the KSC building.

"So where's you're ratchet ass friend at?" I asked.

"You know that's the main reason why she can't stand you right."

"It's not one sided. Its equal. I hate her as much as she hates me." I smiled. Gaby started laughing and hit my chest.

"Why can't you guys get along?" I laughed and opened the door for her.

"I don't know". I looked at my phone it was 9:51, I was starting to get a little worried.

"Hey Gaby, I gotta go."

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