Chapter 1 - The darkest hour comes just before dawn

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The morning sun was up, the first rays of sunshine hitting the golden locks of Arthur Pendragon as he layed unconscious on the shore beside the beautiful lake of Avalon. The water was breathtakingly calm, and you could see the perfect reflection of the surrondings on the surface.

Merlin was sitting there, with Arthur's head in his lap, gently stroking his hair. Arthur started to slowly flutter his eyes open. The first thing he saw was Merlin's beautiful face, as the sun perfectly lighted up that gentle smile forming on Merlin's lips, as he noticed that Arthur was waking up.

"Merlin," Arthur said, voice hoarse. "I thought I was dead for sure."
"Like I'd let you go that easily," Merlin replied, with a wide grin on his face. Arthur chuckled lightly, smiling, while looking into those deep blue eyes that he so loved.

They slowly got up from the ground, Arthur looking at their surroundings, while Merlin was wondering how they would get back to Camelot without their horses. "Beautiful..." Arthur mumbled when he turned to look at Merlin, who was currently looking into the sun. "What?" he turned to look at Arthur. "Oh, uh... the lake... it's beautiful," Arthur managed to say. "Yeah, it really is," Merlin nearly whispered, as he watched Arthur who was now turned to look at the lake.

"So, how do we get back home?" Arthur asked. "I don't know. It's many days walk from here to Camelot. Do you think you're strong enough already to make that journey?" "I think so. Whatever that magic was that healed me, it must've been powerful 'cause I feel great." Arthur said with slight amazement. "Well then, let's go," Merlin said while turning around and heading towards the path to Camelot. Arthur catched up to him and they started walking through the woods, side by side, with a comfortable silence falling upon them.


The two arrived before the gates of Camelot. Their journey had been mostly silent since they were both tired of the many days of walking, even though they did rest every once in awhile. They entered through the gates of Camelot, and immediately they noticed how quiet the town was. There was no one at sight, no one seemed to notice their king arriving. The sun was starting to set, sending a beautiful glow, a combination of pink and gold, to the sky just above the distant trees.

Merlin and Arthur walked through the courtyard and, to their relief, Gwaine, Percival and Leon rushed towards them. "Arthur, you're alive!" Leon shouted relieved. "Leon!" Arthur said happily, and went to hug him. After they pulled apart, Percival gave Arthur a hug, while Gwaine had wrapped his arms tightly around Merlin. "It's good to see you too Gwaine, but I may need to breathe soon," Merlin struggled to mumble, before Gwaine pulled apart from his tight embrace. "Sorry Merlin," Gwaine said, smiling, giving a nervous chuckle. He patted Merlin on the shoulder and went then to give Arthur a hug too, "Good to see you princess." To which Arthur just rolled his eyes at, but smiled anyway as he hugged him back. After Leon and Percival had also hugged Merlin, Leon put a serious face on and said, "Sire, there is a matter we must discuss, but it's not going to be easy." The knights had sadness now written all over their faces. Arthur and Merlin looked at each other with concern and confusion.

Merlin, Arthur and the knights went inside and headed towards the council chambers, where Gaius was sitting at the table. Once he saw who had arrived, he immediately got up and rushed to give Merlin a warm hug. "I was starting to get worried," Gaius said gently with a warm smile as they pulled apart from the hug. Merlin smiled slightly, until his smile dropped entirely, as his head spun around quickly in the direction of Arthur's shocked, tear filled gasp, "Guinevere!" Merlin walked beside Arthur, putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder. Tears were threatening to spill from both of their eyes at any second, as they looked upon Guinevere's dead body.

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