chapter 3 - Show me some magic

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Arthur quickly took his hands off of Merlin's waist and sat up on the bed. "What are you doing here Gwaine?" Arthur asked, clearly annoyed. Merlin was also now sitting, leaning against the soft pillows in Arthur's bed. "I was sent here to inform you that you missed the council meeting," Gwaine said, still smiling and being happy about the fact that he was the one to find them like this. He had always thought that there was something more than just friendship between them. He was right. "But the meeting was supposed to be in the afternoon," Arthur replies even more annoyed than before. "It is afternoon," Gwaine laughs. "What?" Merlin yells out, gets out of bed and opens the curtains. The sun was indeed already high up in the sky, soon starting to set.

"I've never slept this late, how did this happen?" Merlin was freaking out. "Calm down, you were probably just very tired from yesterday. It was a difficult day for all of us," Gwaine says with all seriousness, for once. "Sorry Arthur, it's my fault you missed the meeting today. I was supposed to wake you up in time, I'm sorry," Merlin freaks out a little more. Arthur gently grabs Merlin's wrist and tells him, "It's alright Merlin, you were tired, and so was I. It wasn't anything that important, I'll hear all about it later. I'm actually really glad that I got to sleep so late."
"Well of course you are, princesses need their beauty sleep after all. And I'm sure you slept very well next to Merlin," Gwaine exclaims with a cheeky grin. Arthur started to blush. He was still sitting on the bed, holding Merlin's wrist. Merlin was also blushing, and his eyes were wandering everywhere but in Gwaine's or Arthur's direction.

"Would you stop calling me that!" Arthur bursts out after a short silence. He had let go of Merlin's hand. "Sorry princess," Gwaine lifts his hands as if in surrender. Arthur just rolls his eyes in annoyance, while Merlin rolls his eyes with a smile and gives a slight chuckle. "You find this amusing do you?" Arthur asks while turning to look at Merlin. "A little," he replies, smiling back at Arthur. "I'll just be going then," Gwaine says, a smile still on his face. "You tell anyone about this, and I will run you trough," Arthur threatens through gritted teeth. The smile slowly disappeared from Gwaine's face. "Okay then," he says annoyed, while loudly closing the door to Arthur's chambers.


Merlin opened the door to Gaius' chambers and walked inside. Gaius was sitting at the table with his concentration in a book he was reading. He looked up when he heard the door close. "Merlin! where have you been?" he yelled, worry evident in his voice. "Sorry Gaius, Arthur needed me," Merlin replied quickly and went in his room to change. "You were with him the entire night?" Gaius asked from behind the door, confused. "Yes," Merlin replied. "Have you slept at all?" Gaius sounded worried. "Very well actually, the best night's sleep I've had in years," Merlin said cheerfully as he opened the door, with clean clothes on. "But I am very hungry, is there any food?" he asked while walking past Gaius, not giving him a chance to ask any following questions. "Yes," he answered, handing Merlin a plate with some bread, cheese and tomatoes.


Merlin was wandering in Arthur's chambers, collecting his clothes and other stuff from the floor and putting them where they belong. Arthur was sitting at his desk, going over some paperwork, but he couldn't help but think about last night and what happened this morning. Or more specifically, this afternoon. He found himself staring at Merlin, just looking at him moving around his chambers, and he was smiling to himself. Merlin was humming while he worked, probably not even noticing it himself. Arthur noticed though, and he loved to listen to it, not that he'd ever admit it.

Meanwhile in the armory, Gwaine was telling Leon and Percival what he had walked into earlier, with Arthur and Merlin. "There's no way you're telling the truth," Leon said with disbelief. "I'm telling you, that's what happened. Arthur was hugging Merlin tightly from behind, then I walked in and he looked pretty angry that I disturbed their cuddling session," Gwaine said with slight frustration. "You're serious?" Leon asked surprised. "Yeah!" Gwaine said, now clearly frustrated, yet also still excited. "I always knew there was something going on between them," Percival exclaimed with a smile spreading across his face. "I suppose they have always been suspiciosly close to each other," Leon said hesitantly. "Oh, and Arthur threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone, so you can't let him know you know," Gwaine told them. They both just rolled their eyes at him.

"Show me some magic," Arthur asked. "Alright," Merlin said as he walked closer to the desk where Arthur was sitting. He put his hands together and said a few words that Arthur didn't understand. His eyes flashed gold and when he opened his hands, a beautiful blue butterfly flew out and fluttered through the air to sit on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur watched in amazement as the butterfly nearly glowed from beauty, reflecting the deep blue of Merlin's eyes perfectly. The butterfly flew out of the open window and disappeared out of sight. Arthur looked at Merlin, stared into those beautiful eyes where anyone could get lost into. "That was amazing," Arthur nearly whispered, filling the silence that felt like it could have lasted for hours. Merlin was looking into Arthur's eyes and he felt like Arthur was going to burn a hole in the back of his head if he stared at Merlin for even a while longer.

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