chapter 2 - Good morning princesses

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Arthur had just come back in his chambers from Gwen's funeral. His eyes were red and tired, and anyone could see he had just cried an ocean of tears. He sat on his bed, eyes wandering about the room with a blank expression. A few minutes later Merlin came in with a tray of food. It was obvious he had cried a lot too. He set the tray on the table and began to clean Arthur's room quietly, without saying a word.

Arthur moved to sit at the table and slowly started to nibble at his food, while Merlin sorted out Arthur's night clothes. When Arthur had eaten, Merlin helped him change. This silence between them was strange, there were always some sarcastic comments here and there, but not tonight. Arthur snuggled tiredly under his covers, and as Merlin started to leave, Arthur called his name, "Merlin?"
"What is it?" he turned around and Arthur saw just how tired he was. "I don't really feel like being alone right now... Could you stay with me?" Arthur said hesitantly. Merlin waited for several seconds before answering, "Of course." He walked over to Arthur's desk and pulled a chair next to the bed. Before he could sit, Arthur shook his head slightly and said, "No, Merlin, come here, you'll only hurt yourself if you sleep in a chair." Arthur moved to the other side of the bed and signaled for Merlin to come next to him. Merlin climbed on the bed, being as close to the edge as possible, as he too, snuggled comfortably under the covers of Arthur's bed.


Merlin woke up in the morning to find Arthur's arms wrapped tightly around him, hugging him from behind. Merlin was enjoying Arthur's warmth against his body. Arthur's steady breath tickled his ear, and though Arthur, who was also awake, couldn't see it, Merlin was smiling with his eyes still closed, enjoying this moment as though it would disappear any second and not come back.

Arthur tightened his grip on Merlin, not wanting to ever let him go. This was when Merlin finally noticed Arthur was awake. "Good morning," he said sleepily. "Morning," Arthur replied, happiness evident in his voice.

Neither of them wanted this moment to end, and neither of them new why, but this, being so close to each other... It felt right.

They didn't know how long they stayed like that. Not speaking, not moving, just enjoying each other's company. Enjoying each other's warmth, enjoying their bodies being in touch with the other's, enjoying the small amount of sunlight dancing around the room.

Suddenly there was a light knock at the door. They looked at the door while it opened, and Gwaine came inside. First he looked shocked, but as it faided, a wide grin made it's way to his face instead. "Well good morning princesses!" Gwaine said, maybe a little too happily.

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