chapter 5 - Devious little Merlin

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Leon, Gwaine and Percival were in the armory. "Why are we here Leon?" Gwaine asked with slight irritation in his voice. "You'll never believe what I walked into earlier this afternoon," Leon replied, still disbelieving what he had seen in the king's chambers. Gwaine and Percival looked at each other, confused, Gwaine being more excited than confused. "Go on," he said with a smile spreading across his face, already guessing what Leon was about to say. "So, I was outside the king's chambers and I forgot to knock, I went inside and saw Arthur and Merlin standing very close to each other. Now, I can't know for certainty but it looked like they were just kissing," Leon started hesitantly. Gwaine and Percival were listening intently with wide eyes and happiness obvious in their expressions. Leon continued talking," Arthur was standing in the bath tub, naked and soaked, his hands were on Merlin's waist. Merlin's hands were around Arthur's neck. By the time I saw them their heads were already turned towards me but I'm quite sure they were kissing." Gwaine and Percival started laughing excitedly, while Leon already regretted telling them about this. 'If Arthur finds out I told them I'll lose my head,' he thought.


Arthur and Merlin were enjoying dinner in Arthur's chambers. It was getting dark outside, but the fire burning in Arthur's fireplace was keeping the room lighted and warm. They didn't talk much, just listened to the fire crackling peacefully while they enjoyed the other's company.

Merlin couldn't believe all that's happened. Arthur kissed him, he told him he loves him, and now he's about to lift the ban on magic. He was smiling as he looked at Arthur sitting across the table. He'd never felt this happy before.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are," Arthur told Merlin, absolutely amazed by the beauty before his eyes. Merlin's smile grew wider as he blushed at Arthur's words. "No, but I figured as much. You stare into my eyes more than you insult me, and that's a lot," he replied sarcastically. "Ha ha, very funny Merlin," Arthur said as he rolled his eyes a bit, though still smiling at him lovingly.

They finished eating and Merlin started to clean off their dishes. "I'll bring these to the kitchen and I'll be right back," he told Arthur as he grabbed the tray of dirty dishes and leftover dinner, and started moving towards the door. Arthur opened the door for Merlin and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Merlin smiled at that and walked out the door, heading towards the kitchen.

On his way there, he stumbled into Gwaine, Percival and Leon, who just came from the armory. "Ah, Arthur having dinner for two then? Is he having company or is he just that hungry?" Gwaine joked and gave a light chuckle. Percival and Leon laughed slightly at their friend's comment, knowing that it was probably Merlin who Arthur had dinner with. "Heh, you know Arthur, he's always hungry," Merlin replied with one of his goofy grins. "But why does he need so many plates then, or two tankards?" Percival asked, faking innocence. "Uh..." Merlin didn't know what to say, and he was starting to feel a slight panic rising inside him, until suddenly he heard Arthur's voice coming from behind him,"I wanted Merlin to eat dinner with me, is there a problem with that?" He's voice was calm and confident, like a king should be. Merlin let out a breath of relief as the pressure was lifted off of him. "No, of course not," Leon replied. "We were just curious, that's all." Gwaine and Percival nodded, still smiling, happy about being right. It was Merlin who he had dinner with.

Arthur looked at Gwaine and Percival, who were smiling weirdly at the two. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "He told you didn't he?" At that they started to smile even more. "You'll have to be a bit more specific Arthur," Gwaine said cheekily, making Percival chuckle and causing Leon to get nervous. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," Arthur said, extremely annoyed. "Oh, are you referring to Leon walking in on you and Merlin being all over each other?" Percival bursted out, trying to keep a straight face, and failing miserably as him and Gwaine started laughing out loud. Leon was still a bit nervous, but he started laughing too. Arthur was blushing, along with Merlin who was bright red by now. "Not a word of it to anyone, understood?" Arthur said with a commanding tone. "Of course, but answer me on this one thing," Gwaine started with a bit more serious expression. "Did you two kiss, and if you did, was it like a sweet little kiss or more like a kiss driven mad with passion?" he finished, the cheeky smile back on his beautiful face. Leon and Percival were grinning in the backround, as Arthur and Merlin looked at each other awkwardly. "Why don't you tell them, Merlin?" Arthur said while pushing Merlin forward. "Me? why me?" Merlin complained shocked, looking at Arthur pleadingly. The three knights were extremely amused by those two disasters. "Because you tell it so much better," Arthur told him, obviously just trying to find any excuse to try and not have to tell them himself. "Fine, prat!" Merlin replied, annoyed, preparing himself for what came next.

Merlin turned towards the other three waiting somewhat patiently, and stood straight. He was going to make Arthur regret he made him do this. And he was going to enjoy it. "Well, I was sitting on the floor, when Arthur got up from the bath and turned towards me..." he started, with a surprising composure. Arthur was horrified when he realised what Merlin was up to. He watched Merlin with wide eyes as he continued, "He was obviously looking at my lips, and before I knew it he grabbed my neckerchief and pulled me up from the floor and kissed me, and yes, very passionately." Gwaine, Percival and Leon were looking at Merlin intently as he told them every detail about the kiss, exaggerating a lot.

"... And then Leon walked in and yet Arthur still kept his hands firmly on my waist," Merlin said simply. The others were smiling and giggling like idiots while Arthur was leaning against the wall with his face blood red. "After Leon was gone Arthur kissed me again. This time a short and sweet little kiss with a huge smile on his face," Merlin finally finished and he gave Arthur a devious little smirk, telling Arthur to never do that again.

Merlin was still holding the tray. He walked calmly past the others and left to the kitchen, leaving Arthur there, standing awkwardly with his face flushed.


Merlin entered Arthur's chambers, aware that Arthur was probably angry with him. But Arthur wasn't angry, he was upset. He was sitting at his desk, leaning back on his chair with a pout on, arms crossed. He looked adorable like this. Merlin chuckled at him, and that caused Arthur to pout even more and crouch his brows. Merlin walked to him and leaned to gently kiss his cheek.

"I'm sorry Arthur," he apologized, and he meant it. Arthur's expression softened and he turned to look at Merlin. "You know, I think you exaggerated a bit," he said quite emotionlessly. "That was the point," Merlin answered with a smirk. "Your own fault for making me tell them." he continued with an apologetic look. "I didn't mean for you to tell it like that," Arthur looked at him with a roll of his eyes. He sighed, got up, and grabbed Merlin into his arms bridal style, and carried him over to his bed. Merlin yelped in surprise and Arthur tossed him gently on his bed.

It was late and the air was chilly. The fire had gone out and the only light came from a little candle across the room. Arthur took his shoes off and climbed on the bed on top of Merlin. He slipped his hands under Merlins shirt and started to slowly take it off, all the while looking deep into Merlin's eyes. He pulled the shirt over Merlin's head and threw it on the floor. He started kissing Merlin all over, starting from his neck, nibbling gently at his pale skin, going lower and lower. Merlin started making noises of desire and desperation, as Arthur got to his lower abdomen and started to pull his pants down. He pulled them low enough for Merlin to kick them off completely, along with his shoes. Arthur took his own shirt off while Merlin started to take off Arthur's pants.

The clothes were scattered across the floor, leaving Merlin and Arthur naked, on top of each other on the bed. Arthur kissed Merlin intimately and Merlin parted his lips. Arthur's tongue slipped in. Merlin was tugging Arthur's hair and Arthur's hands were inspecting Merlin's body while they deepened the kiss. After a while they pulled apart. They were panting for air, their bodies heated up against one another. The candle had gone out and the room was cold. Their breaths were mingled together in the cold air. They stayed like that for a while, until they got under the covers and nuzzled closely against each other, keeping each other warm. Their legs were entwined together, their arms around each other, Merlin's head resting on Arthur's bare chest. It was comforting for Merlin to feel Arthur's chest moving up and down underneath him, and he soon fell asleep in the arms of the man he loves, the man he loves more than anything in this world.

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