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i just got back from my hotel after taetae and his friend jimin dropped me off.
since they already toured me i'll just do some grocery tommorow.

after changing clothes and washing up i decided to sleep.

— — — —

"goodmorning maam! where are we headed?" as soon as i got in the taxi the driver greeted me.

"uhm just the grocery." i answered and checked my phone.

"we're here! that'll be 12$" i paid.

looks like not too many people are here
i went inside and looked for a cart first.

i was exploring the isles and saw a familliar person at the chocolate isle.

"taetae!" i called him as i see him busy looking for chocolates

it looks like he's debating what to get

"oh jichu!" wow he has a nickname for me, i thought he's gonna stick to jisoo forever.

"what's up? where's your buddie?" i asked him looking for his friend.

"well i'm just doing some grocery shopping and jimin? well the guy went on his work." he answered.

we talked too much about different things and we didn't realize that we haven't gotten anything.

We found the chips isle and saw a particular chip all by it's self.

"i got it first!" i said when we both touched the chip.

"no! but i saw it first!" he excused.

"yes but i still got it first!" i excused too.

"cute couple! but there's another one right there!" we heard some guy talked.

"thank you! but we're not a couple." i said.

— — — —

"thanks for the treat! next time it's on me!" after doing some groceries we ate lunch together.

"no it's nothing."

"random question..." something came up on my mind.

"yes?" he asked while chewing his food.

"do you listen to some taylor swift songs?" my curious self asked.

"you're a swiftie?" he asked and i nodded.

"how about you? don't tell me you're a swiftie..cause if that so i'll have a crush on you.." i joked not minding what i'm saying.

"well actually i'm a swiftie." i almost choked.


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