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"jisoo!! jisoo!! jisoo!!" i opened my eyes after hearing the voice that's calling me.

and after opening my eyes...

i'm inside of my room?

"jisoo!!" is that jin oppa's voice?

i got up and rushed downstairs where the voice that sounds jin oppa is calling my name.

"oh jisoo! hurry up you'd be late for your flight!" he said.

"what flight? did the plane crashed? where's taehyung? what happened to us? why am i here?" all these questions are inside of my head so then i asked.

"what flight? who's taehyung? jisoo you're late for your flight!" he said to me.

so all of it...

was a dream?


i stood there frozen but i remembered my flight.

i dressed up and immediately went to the airport, there i saw a familiar man.

it's taetae!

i ran towards him.

"taehyung!!!" i called and called while running.

he turned around and looked at me.

"jisoo!!!" he remembers, he knows my name.

— — — —


in everything that happens there's a reason
there's a reason that we've met again.
and now i'm sure that i could say,
i love you kim taehyung.



i've met you once again,
and i promise to not waste this precious chance,
i'm not going to be a coward
and i'll face you.
i could finally say,
i love you kim jisoo.


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