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I woke up alone. I reached over to Nate's side of the but it was cold and empty. He had been gone awhile. 

On the night stand in front of me was a little note and my car keys. The note was a light blue post-it note. It was from my house. Weird. 

I brought your car. I had something to do before school. Forgive me Rosalyn. 

The idea of leaving a note was a little out-landish for Nate, who really sucked at communication but what really caught my attention was the "forgive me" part. Forgive him for what? 

Rolling out of bed, my head spun and throbbed. A migraine. God, I fucking hated migraines. I got them for no reason, they showed up just to piss me off. I knew exactly what would make it go away, but I couldn't light up in Nate's house. That was just disrespectful. 

I decided to force myself to shower, hopefully it would wash the overwhelming fatigue off of me. Making the water scorching, I stepped in and let the water engulf me. Sure, it was really hot but for some reason it reminded me of Nate. 

That's when it really hit me that I was alone and my stomach plummeted. The events of last night replayed in my mind and bile rose in my throat. I could feel the fear and panic again , even thought I knew that I was safe here. I had suffered from severe anxiety my entire life but this wasn't the same kind. Anxiety is extreme stress caused by mild fear, at least for me. But this-this was different. I was alone, Dean wasn't here but I felt his breath of me and his hands on me. 

My breathing quickened and tears creeped into my eyes. I sunk to the bottom of the shower, letting the water hit me, hoping to calm down, I rested my head between my knees. 

I sat on the bottom of the shower until the water turned cold. It took all my effort to get to my feet. In truth, I didn't want to move. I grabbed the soap shelf, my legs were shaky. I had to focus on staying upright. My head throbbed with every step. 

I slid on jean shorts, I went to Nate's closet and pulled out another black t-shirt. After lacing up my sneakers, I snatched my keys from the nightstand, along with my backpack and I left Nate's house. 


I parked outside of Fezco and Ashtray's little shop. Fez was sitting outside in a white plastic chair. His hair was red and buzzed. I could make out his blue eyes from the road, they brightened when they saw me. 

Fez stood up as I approached him, his jeans and shirt were bagy, but clean. "Hey Rose. You haven't been around." 

I shrugged as he pulled me into a hug. We hadn't known each other very long but honestly, it felt like I've known Fezco my whole life. He smelled like weed, really strong. "I've been busy, skunky." I teased. I called him that sometimes. 

He headed toward the back, I was supposed to follow. "You wanting the usual?" 

Heat flooded my cheeks. "Um-no actually." 

His eyes widened in surprise. "A different strain?" 

"No. I want something less detectable." 

Fez shooks his head, clearly disapproving. "Bruh, I don't want you messing around with that stuff." 

I pouted, a gangster/drug dealer like Fez acted chill and indifferent but he was really a total softie "Please Fez." 

"I don't know..." 

Why was he choosing today to choose the moral highground? This was not the day. 

"Please Fez, just this once." 

Fez groaned in reply, pulling a bowl from the microwave they used to hide their 'merchandise'. "Now, I'm not giving you anything fucked." he handed me a little bag with three little rectangles in it. "That is it. No more." 

Xanax. Perfect. 

"How much do I owe?" I asked, fingering the pills through the plastic. 

My friend started to leave the back room. "I'll front you."

"Fez you don't front nobody."

He smiled sweetly at me. "I am today, bruh."

Sorry for the short chapter! But I will be posting the next part today too! It's gonna be a long one. 

Thoughts on Fezco? He really shouldn't have done that...... 

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